The Minneapolis Star from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)

36 THE MINNEAPOLIS STAK Fridy, Nov. 2, 148 Government Bonds TMrT Bid Asked Ch. Tield Is 50-4 loo 1QO 2 37 X2a 51-49 Jane 100-14 10O-14 1 91 IS SJ-49 Dec. lOO-74 100-11 1 71 3'S 51-49 1C3-S 103-11 3S 53-49 101-IT 101-20 93 X2s S2-50 Marea 100-7T ISA-79 .1 1.77 xim 42-SO Sept. 101 101-1 1 39 53-5S 192-17 103-2S) 1 S-2 S1H 10O-S 101MO 1 34 74 54-61 103-77 103-30 1 17 Produce Markets Minneapolis 2.

194 rWnoiesaie Prices! FGG Grade A 54c: grade A 40c: grade A isrr.allt 30c; (rade J3e; (rad 30e: nfradctf 43c POlXTar Lixht Ben. 21 hrnry riena. 3c; Old rooaters lie: ducks 26c: geesd 28c Chicago BITTER 93 aeore (2c: 93 arcre 3r: SO ttmUlUS AMP rUMEBALS MfmUX-Ma CIS lt St. Survived bv aoo. C.

R. Baehmann: daughter. Mrs. William. Rlrxlsland: grandchildren.

Services Sat- afternoon. 3 o'clock. willow River Presbyterian cnareb. Willow River. Minn.

Arrangements Werness Brothers. rAILMll Cordon F. C. ate 2S. of 434a 4tb St.

SV. Beloved son nf Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Carisoo; brotb-rr ct Frances.

Florence, Mrs. A. St. Pearson Mrs. Edgar Joacpru Service Saturday 1 p.m.

Larson Chapel. 2301 Central Ave. E. Interment Sunset Memorial Park. IT.

LOST AND FOUND TOSfT rSiUy crown male" red Irish setter no collar, vary friendly, family pel. Missing since Sat. Nov. 20. Please call HO 8677 ees.

Reward R. K. Hubert. Higniand Road. Glen Lake, LOST Runless glasses around 44 Ih Nic Reward PL ai8i-LO 89 2.

PERSONALS OFFERING 60-day personal reprssenta-' tton tn South America. Kzecntive leaving fur Rio A- B. A. Dec tn. Write 4187 Star Trlaune.

I WILL NOT be responsible for any bills made without my signature. Nor- man RSt evens. 270lTaylor E. "FLYING club membership for sale. tU." Dl 2481 Foreign Exchange NEW YORK fFrtdsyv APv Fareirn Chan je rates follow (Great Bntals la doilaxs.

otnera In cents): Canadian dcllar In New Tnrk open swrfcet TH per cent dlsroont or 92 5 S. cents, unchma fed. Ct'SUirC: Crest Britain (poond) 4 ncrtarged; Great Britain 30-day fatares 84 OS 1-19. unchanged: Great Britain 0-da filsns 84.03 13-18. Bnchaased: Great Britain 90-day futures 4 02 S-18.

uncnanged: France franc) 3lym o( a cent encnanged: Italy Ulrai Not. fixed rate .001739. Oct. 001739; Sweden ikrocat 27.85. unchanged.

Switzerland tfranci ifreei 25.12. off 23 of a cent. LATIN ASrtRira: Argentina (tree) 29.fl. unchanged: Brazil (free 5 50, unchanged. Mexico 14.53.

onchanged. Local foreign exchange rates famished By Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolia. quoted In terms of the dollar: Great Britain. 4 04, Canada. 92 56.

X. QWTUsVhiES AMD fUHElULS SSHEPHEXD Frank SI 43 Stevens Ave. Survived by wife. Frances M. son Roland F.

Mr. Shepherd, member of Arc Lodge 17 AF A AM. Sendees Sat. afternoon 3 o'clock. Werness Brothers ChspeL Interment Lakewood.

SHERLOCK Raphael, age 2 of Mpls. On Monday. Services and Interment at DrPew. Wise. Arrangements witn Stro.

beck-Hauge. RFBIRIAL RFRTtfR 4.LCH 1st Lt. Henry age 27. killed in action Feb. 25.

1945. Survived by son. Thomas Henry, St. Paul: parents. Mr.

and Mrs. A. Walcn. 2700 Thomas. brother.

Richard sister. Jane Mpls and wife, Patricia, now Mrs. Klellberg. St. Paul.

Graveside services will be held 10:30 a m. Sat Nov. 27, at Fort SneuV lxi Nan anal Cemetery. WFIRFXER William Edward, age S8. Survived by mother.

Mrs. Lucy Wetbeler A brother. Paul T. of Mpts. Fuaerai Sat.

Asm. from G1U Brothers Chapet A 9 30 at St Peter Pauls Church. Belie Plaint, Minn. WII1.UMH Ids sge 57. Survived by husband.

Ttuiraas son. Thomas Williams: sisters. Mrs. Niks Persies, Mrs. Pearl Dove.

Mrs. Fran Nel. Mrs. Thomas Bros: brothers. Fred and lrvin Closson.

Services snd interment Staples, Minn. Burr service. TOING Vary 213 Harriet Ave. on Wed Survived by daughter. Mrs.

Donald Howe. 1 siMer, 2 brothers. 2 grandchildren. Services Sat. slternoon at 3 o'clock at Welander-Qulst (West Chapeb.

2301 Dupont S. Interment Ac-cla Park. ZIEB4.RTH EUte. age 63 of Washington, o. c.

Funeral services Boyce Mortuary. Delano, Minn. arore dlr: tone nervoua: receipts 28S 412. EfeGS Extra SO-70. 3 grade S7-5Sc: etr 70-eoV.

3 grade 2r: atandarda 47-52c; current receipts 47-43c: dirties 3S-40c: ehecas 3S-iSie. too receipts 11 ISO. New York KCTTCB 93 score Sic: 92 score oc: 94 score 58i-59c: tone steadier: receipts 375.14. Large extra 5S-82c: estrm mediums SV5c: cherxs 42-4r: dirties W-ilxL, too steadier; receipts 15.368.

LIVE Tl SKITS No qaotaUutU DBF.StrD TUKKtTS Drr packed, fresh, TOUDf tcimi, 24 pounds sad oeer 57-5" '-jC. stokacc not.Dnos rm 194S 25.461 945; 1947. 14. 879.314. 00 1948, 274.141.

1947. 368,825. Butter Futures CHICAGO Friday i UP STORSGE FCGS Sales Open High Low Close Pr cl. Dec. 328 48 55 49 3S 48 28 49.25 48 4V.ft Jan.

10 48 30 46 60 46.30 48 80 48 15-20 Oct. 28 46 35 46 SO 46 35 46 60 48 50-. 45 STOR4.Gr: BI TTF.R Jan 77 59 2S 80.50 58.9S SO 50 59 50 Bid. Turpentine and Rosin SAVANNAH. CA.

(Friday) i-IlSPlss. TINE 384: offerings and sales none: receipts 150 ihipmenu 60. stocks 16.422. ROSIN Offerings and sales none: receipts 554: shipments 2: stocks 23,497. Rosin unchanged.

4 8:30 P.M. "The aw yT ssjgfe f2k S5H Investment Trusts Bid A'fUuud la Bui SJira 3 5w Beaton Fund Inc 1 Brad Si Iht 15 44 Bullock -Fand JS 77 Can Ine Fund 4 10 Cratarf Shrs Tr 30 Cnemics! Fund 12 42 Cnauaanvniro Inv 33 Dtverstriew Tr 37 Dividend Sftra 1 Eat Hw Bal Fd 23 40 detiiy Fund lor 23 02 First Mutual Tr Fd 07 Fend Investors Inc 13 1 Group Sc Agricultural IS do Auto 44 do AvtaUoa 4 73 Hi dx 7 1 Ch Ica.s 44 do Fuiiy Admin 11 tt Cra Bond 7 42 do Mien 40 do I rat Bond JO do Inv d- Low Priced; 5 47 1 4 3 94 20 03: 14 49 i 17 28 5 10 33.58 1J-S5 6.7 7.35' 1 4 25 03' 24 53, 14 33! 14 7 7li 4 12 7 41 a os i 741 7 55 5 Mi 2.M 4 09 1 4 Ml S.1S 21 ii i 2 51 21 20 17 S3 I 14 92 i 22 02 14.32 11. 4.73 4 92 i 7 i do PR Bond 2 40 do RR Equip 3(4 do RR Sloe 442 do Steei 474 Hamilton Tr Sn 1 I nmnn 20 25 Keystone CujtodJl BI 27 24 do B2 23 10 da R3 14 IS do B4 10 do KI 1V50 do K2 20 19 do S2 13 12 do 1 10 do S4 4 S3 Knickerbocker Fund 4 49 Manhattan Bond Fund 7 17 Man Invest Tr 24 19 Nanon Wide Bal Fd 12 Natl Investors 8.3 Mat 1 See Srr Bond do Low Bd 2 di) Pref 4 do lwime 430 do Indcpt Stk 571 do Low Pr SH 3 22 do Spec 3.10 New England fund 13 PS NY Stoclu Automobile 3 80 do Aviation 5 do Sup 7 64 do Chemical 74 do Dlversif In 10.09 do Merchand 8 94 do PR S09 do PR Equip 17 do Steel 7 7S No Am Tr Sh 1955 3 32 do 1S 3 Putnam (Cl Fund 14 25 Seiected Am Sh 10.11 State St lnv 45.75 Trusteed Ind Shrs .70 Union Bond Fd 17.31 doc 5 8 Union pf sts Fd 19.30 do Com 7 Wellington Fund IS. 34 (Nat Ass Securities Dealers. Ine 26 IS 13 SO 9 04 7 26 84 7 09 4.70 .24 3 52 1 3.45 1 14.8S .3 8.08 8 37 10 67 ll.CS 9 SO 5.58 8 76 8.49 IS 32 10 94 48.75 79 18.42 17 84 Treasury Statement A SHTNGTON Frlda 1 'JP The position of the treasury Nov.

23 compared with cor responding date a year ago lOOO'a omitted: Nov. 23 Nov. 23 1948 1947 Peceipts $198 542 $173 656 F.xrpeiiditures 160 687 129.052 Balance 4.596.306 4.074. 462 Customs rcpu. for mo.

27 258 29.336 Rcpts fisc. yr July 1 13.728,260 14 748.165 Eipend. flic, yr xl3.501.l45 1 4.001.645 Excess of recelpu y227.115 746.519 Total debt 252,455.217 258.260,083 Dec under prev. day. 13.901 Gold avsets 14.149.302 22.590.738 $14.535 864.462 13 counting foreign economic co-operation trust fund expenditures.

$807,603 752 99 excess of expenditures, counting expenditures above. Acts AT ONCE to Relieve BY COLDS) Prescribed By Thousands of Doctors! pertussik must be good when tVimiconric nf rViftnrs: nrpsr.rihprl it for years, pertussin acts at once to relieve sucn cougning. 11 aciuauy loosens up' phlegm and makes it easier to raise. Saje. Effective.

tasting, too. SEt flQ' 70 YEARS i 'V'. AM we wsaim 1 Dividends CCTUR-H 4.3TMEK. INC. aeeSsxed a ouar-terly dlrldend of 30 cenu and extra of 40 cents on common mtiMnm.

both payable Z3ec. 10 to holders of Tecocd Nov. 28. This brings the total for the year to S2 against Sl-75 la 1947. AMERICA! COLORTTPE CO.

declared, a quarterly dividend of 30 cenu and extra of 30 cents, botli payable Dec IS to common shareholders of record Dec. 1. This brings 1948 payments to SI. 50 compared with S1.4S a year ago. G.

C. MCRFHT CO. declared a year-end extra dividend of 75 cents on common stock payable Dec. 17 to atocs of record Dee. 1.

A year at an extra of SO cenu was paid. BOWSOW ART SfFTAI WORKS. INC. declared an extra dividend of 11.70 and a re gala quarterly of 30 cenu on common, both payable Dec. 20 to stork of record Dec.

IS. bringing toul 194S paymenu to S3.50 against (2 25 In 1947. BI THE EDDIE CANTOR SHOW" with DINAH SHORE and BILLIE BURKE AT 8:00 P.M. PABST BLUE RIBBON Red Skelton Show ii Air With Bill Stern is 11 1 JWUI UIW Sunday Tribune Grains Down After Gains Hedging Pressure Is Felt in Pit Grains opened strong at th Minneapolis pit today but liquM riation and hedging pressure: erased gains late in the day. At the close, wheat futures! were 1 to cents lower, oatsi were to rent off, rye was; 1U to l' cent lower and Chi-1 cago corn futures were to 1H-rents off.

The prospect of an early re-umption of export shipping was thm motivating" factor for the early rise in grain values. In the cash grain market spring, wheat grading 14 per cent protein and lower advanced 1 cent a' bushel, 15 per cent protein climbed 3 cents and 16 per cent; 5 cents. Most winter wheat held Montana winter wheat grading 13 and 14 per cent protein climbed a cent. Durum closed steady. Red durum, ruled weak to a cent lower.

rye, barley, flax and soybeans1 were unchanged. The commodity credit corpora-: tion (CCC) announced it had pur- chased 4.57,000 bushels of wheat at Kansas City, 380,000 bushels atj Chicago and 113,768 bushels at Portland, Ore. i i The CCC announced thatj loans and agreements on 1348 crop wheat, oats, barley grain sorghums, corn and rye through Oct. 31 totaled 260,723,215 bushels. The season's total included bushels under loans and 20,100,503 bushels under purchase agreements.

GRAIN FUTURES CLOSING QUOTATIONS Nov. ISM MINNEAPOLIS Wheal Open High Low Cloae Pr. cl Dec. 2 34 J.S4-4 2 May 2 2Jb- 2 2J. 2.23, 2 2.i July 2.1 2.17Ji Oale Dec.

-SO'a 79 -7 -79i May .5 .76 Rye lc. 1 6S 1 68 1 66'4 1 66' 1 67'-j May 1.87 1.67 1 64 X.64H 1.66 CHICAGO Wheat-Dec. 2 40-2. 40' 2 404 2 37, 2.37Ts 2 39s May 2.30r,-2.3i 2.3IH 2.28f4 2 297 2.30 July i 14'4 2. 14-4 2 12 2 12 2.13Vx Sept.

2.12',a 2 13'4 2.10'i 2.10i 2.11vs corn Dec. 1. 48 1.48 1.44 1 44 1.4S May 1.51vl-S2i"t 1.49i 1 49a 1.50 July 1 50j-l-51' 1 5lVa 1.49vt 1 431 1 497s Sept. 1.4,:V1.46'a 146' 1.44 1.44 1.44'., Oats Dec. .84 .5 May .804 .791, .791.4 .7914 .74 .73 .73 .73 Sert .711, -'O3.

70-a Rye-Dec. 1 SO 1.80 1 77 1 77 1.7'-b May 1 77 1.77 1 74', 1.74'-, 1.75, Sot beans Dec. 2.774-2 78 2 73 2 73' 4 2.77 Mur. 2 75 76 2 7634 2 70 2.70' 2 74 May 2 73W 2 ill, 2 8 2 68 2.71'i July 2.69J-2.70 2.70 2.64 2 64 2.67'4 Lard Dec. 19.20 19 22 19 02 19 15 Jan.

1 95 IB 95 18.70, 1 70 18 0 Mar. ISfMl 18 87 18.57 IK 60 18.72 Mly 18 77 18 77 18 60 1 60 July 18.55 18.55 18.55 18.55 18 80 WINNIPEG Oals Dr .1 80'a MV 77 .771 July -74, Rye Dec. 1613, 1 63'4 1 1 59'i 1 62 May 1 66'2 l.R614 1.64 1.64 166s, July 1.83'a 1 63', 1.60 1.60 1 613 Rarley Dec. 1.11-1.12 1.12 1.11 1 1-12 May 1.09',-1.09'4 1 09 108 1.0? 1.0S July 1-05 1.05 Flax Nov. 4 00' 4 Ol'i 4 00 4.01 4 00 Dee.

4.01 4.01 4.01 4 01 4 01 May 4 10 4.09 KANSAS CITY Wheat DC. aaaaanwawwawwaaw4w4i 3. D- 2 2T May 2.18 2 19 2.04 204 Flour Feed Nov. 26. 1948 ShlpmenU of flour in 100-lb sarks frorn Minneapolis so far this week 167.400 sacks; last week 206 40; last year I13.S60.

The following quotations cn spring wheat and rye flour are In 100-lb. sacks in carlots FOB Minneapolis. FLOUR Fancy family patent 00 family patent S6. standard bakers patent 95: short patent S5.95-8 05: htrh glti-ten 25: extra fancy clear $5 fancy clear standard clear whole wheat 95. RYE White.

mediums dart 35. KMOUNA Standard granular 5 7V5 85 MILLFEKD The following quotations are for spot shipments In carlots per ton FOB Minneapolis: mixed cars $1 more and sing tons S3 more. Pure bran. $51 50-52 50: standard brin 50; standard middlings; 50: pure middlings $53-54: flour mtddUnii $53 50; red dog $54 50-55. LINSliED OIL 27.2c per pound, tanas gon? 1 November forward LINSEED MEAL $75-76 per ton.

Carlot bulk- FOB Minneapolis. BUCKWHEAT A SEEDS Buckwheat So. 2 or better 50: timothy $12 50-13: millet broom com Early Fortune S1.95-2 05; mixed Clover, sweets $11-13: red $40-42: $23-25. Alfalfa $40-45: gpelU per cwt. Grain Movement LOCAL CSRLOT MOVEMENT I I I i TIDE 9:00 P.M "The Life of Riley' PRELL SHAMPOO 9:30 P.M.

"Sports Newsreel of The COLGATE SHAVE CREAM 10:00 P.M. "Vol Bjornson and the News' PHILLIPS 10:15 P.M. "Music of Manhattan GLUEK'S S2a 53-51 101-3 101-4 1.5 3a 55-51 104-77 104-30 1 19 3. 53-51 103-1 103-4 1 20 x2s 55-51 101-1 101-3 .1 1 64 s2S 54-52 103-23 102-25 .1 1 4 lis 54-52 101-1 101-3 4- 1 1 xlt 56-52 101-26 101-2S4- .2 1.77 XJ 54-52 Dec 101-2 101-4 .1 1 71 ia 55-53 103 103-4 1.39) 2's 54-54 104-S 1V4-10 1 43 2s 60-55 107-24 107-2 4- .3 1 57 x2s SB-54 103-9 103-11 2.03 I2S 59-5 101-29 101-31- 3 1.98 59-54 ICa 10-4 .2 1 64 ISs 63-58 lOrt-10 108-14 4- a 179 X2UJ 62-5 June 3 74 fl-5 Dec. 10U 1C0-3 2 74 2U 65-60 1014-30 109-2 4- 1 91 I2WS C7-C2 101-13 101-15 4- .1 2.37 x2'- SR-63 101-5 101-7 4- -1 2 40 z2-, 914 100-25 100-27 2.43 2Vj C9-S4 Dec.

100-24 100-2S 2 43 x2a 70-65 100-24 100- 2 43 x2Va 71-M 100-18 100-204- .2 2 43 x2Vs 72-7 June 100-S lbO-10 2.47 x2-s 72-7 Sept. 101-04 101-16 4- 2 40 x2Va 72-oT Dec. 100- 100-10 2 47 WORLD BANK B01D4 Int 3a 7i 97-14 97-24 3 13 do 57 97-10 97-18 3 57 Prices quoted in dollars and thirty-seconds, a Subject to federal taxes but not to state Income taxes. advertisem*nt Why Millions Like CIlElVlflG-GUn LAXATIVE At last a laxative so pleasant, so different, that it has won millions who now refuse to take harsh, stomach-punishing laxatives! teek-a-mint tastes like delicious, mint-flavored chewing gum. And you chew it like gum! And scientists say chewing makes feen-a-mint's fine medicine more effective "readies" it so it flows gently and gradually into the system.

And here's the amazing thing! The action of feen-a-mint's special medicine detours the stomach. It doesn't act while in the stomach, but only whenfarther along in the lower digestive tract where it should! Thus. feen-a-mint troTi't upset the stomach! Try feen-a-mtnt at any drug 1n counter for 25, 50 or only IU FEE-A-niT FAMOUS CHEWING-GUM LAXATIVE Advertisem*nt RELIEF AT LAST For Your COUGH Creomulsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell our druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have vour monev back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitaf Advert iiement How Dr.Edwards Helps Constipated Folks! For years Dr.

Edwards relieved patients bothered by constipation with his famous Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets now sold by all drugstores. Olive Tablets are mild, gentle but oh so thorough! Olive Tablets act on both upper and lower bowels to produce more natural-like movements. No griping. Just complete satisfaction.

Buy today I 15f5, 30fi. Are you going through the functional "middle age' period peculiar to women (38 to 52 Does this make you suffer from hot Cashes, feel so nervous, high-strung, tired? Then Dcr try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Plnkham's Compound also has what Doctors call a stomachic tonic eCect LYDIA PINKKAM'S wwmll OBITUARIES AND FUNERALS ALBRIGHT Martha age 87. nf St.

Cloud passed away at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Lvle Kins. Survived be 3 other Mrs R. F.

Schaef-er. Mrs. Herman Schack of St. Cloud A Clara, Milwaukee: 3 sonj. Theodore.

Hen-rv A Bernard, St. Cloud. Services and interment St. Cloud. Arrangements White Funeral Home, KE 5002.

AMES Leon, age 61. of 90S 2nd av P. Survived by wife. Jessie: daughter. Leah, of MpL 2 sisters.

Miry Ames and Sister Mary Carmel of Presentation Order. Funeral a.m., at Gill Brothers Funeral chapel; 9:30 at Church of St. Olaf. Interment St. Mary's.

BIOWX-Sadie, age 67. 4738 Dupont N. Survived by husband, Stanley: 2 daughters Mrs. Richard Lazarus of New York, Miss Ann Hendry In Japan: sister Miss Mary McLane, Mpli 2 brothers Donald and Daniel McLane of Nova Scotia; 1 grandchild. Services 2:30 p.m.

Sat. at Westminster church. Interment Crystal Lake cemetery. Friends may caU at Hanson-Nugent. 2116 Nicollet MINNEAPOLIS STAR AND TRIBUNE WANT AD RATES Minimum space 2 line 1 Day 55c per line per day 4 Days per line per day Days 44c per line per day A 2 CASH DISCOUNT from all rates above allowed cash accompanies the order and there are no previous unpaid balances.

Positions Wanted advertising take the following rates (Cash in Advance): 1 Day 40c per tine 4 Days 3Sc per line 7 Days 30c per line General rates 75c dally. 90c Sunday. These rates apply cm all advertising received from outside N. S. and Iowa.

A 2" cash discount is allowed on General Advertising. All copy subject to trie approval of The Minneapolis Star and Tribune. The Minneapolia Star and Tribune reserves the rtrht to classify ads under appropriate Headings. The liability of The Minneapolis Star and Tribune Company In the event of failure to publish an advertisem*nt tcr any reason or Id the event that mistakes occur fn publish ins an advertise ment shall be limited to publish-ins or republishing the advertisem*nt. Republication will be made only It notice la given by the advertiser the Sam day the mistake occurs.

No publication will be made on account of light changes or typographical errors which do not lessen the value of tha advertisem*nt. All week-day want ads appear tn aS editions of The Morning Tribune and the Evening Star at the charge; Sunday Want Ads appear in tha Sunday Tribune. To be. sure of getting your want ad In all editions cl the Sunday Tribune, we must receive the order by the preceding Wednesday together with a request it be published In an editions. Phone Tour Want Ad or stop at ene of oar counters Main Office Portland Ave at 5th at Downtown counter 4th at laaro, CALL.

AT Sill IS. PERSONALS, BUSINESS DRESDEN figurines supplies, open Jn. a Hermans A every evening until Christmas. Mall orders accepted. Andy's Decorating Service.

1314 E. FrankUn. GE 21. PORTRAITS IN THE HOME The best Photocrsphs Available. For.

trier Veteran Photographer. 24 sxs. KB 1W. "C.N WANT Kb hsfr. permanently removed?" also warts, moles snd other blemishes.

Perm. 1 treatment. Miss Hsgeman. Suit 338. 929 NleoHet.

MA 8820. ATTENTION former Keewatln For savings on ele. appliances, lurni-ture A cam tint contact Ralph Kok-konen st J405 Glenwoodsv. LI 907 DRESDEN FTGURrNES. whoTessIe AT-tatl.

Mali orders welcome. Price list on request. Sally's, 210 st, MA 0904. CLOTHING FEWOVEN-" Quality workmanship. Mail orders filled.

WIZARD WEAVERS.331 Kresge Bids. PLASTERCRAFT CO. vlllre open until" every weekday nlgbt Uli Christmas. 100 Riverside sv. IF4rour ba throrvn a looking vSe.

Cull Herb for plastic ttie. MA 35W CH.830J GOLD coins bought top prices AT 7100. Huber. 210 S. 8th st.

ENT MEN'S FOR ALS A CCESsTa S. 8TH ST. SKEFFINGTONS, BR SAM. 24 HOUR telephone snswering servlceu Office A desk space. AT02R.

AUTO DRIVING LESSONS BR.33M BR 1B1 BUSIN ESS SE BYICE 26. Accountants and Auditors "LOW COST BOOKKEEPING A.YD TAlt SERVfCK. FA 27. Ashes and Rubbish Hauling Reasonable Hauling Reliable AT 5421, Anytime Vet Hauler Wants Work CALL PA0810ANYTTMK RUBBISH, sshes. gen.

hauling. Bsmts garages, attics cleaned. Business snd residences. Prompt. Reasonable.


VETERAN, new dump truck Ashes, snd gravel. WA 813. "You Call We Haul. GR 4063 ASHES AV rubbish hauled on short tlce. Light moving.

PL 9128. GR 09B1. ASHES. CANS RUBBISH Reas prices. 2 hours notice.

D.R 7895. VET needs' would sppreclate hauling yourashes A rubbish. DR 79K4. DR 41t8 Gen. hsullng, pick up.

durapf grader A shovel SeeRitmlre Rons. ASHES A RUBBISH HAULED CLEAN" JftORK LI 64S. EFFICIENT'ASH. RUBBISH SERVICE.GE 8716. VETERAN Ashes, rubbish-in light hauling.

$1 minimum. DU (172.. VET. ASHES. RUBBISH AND GENERaX.


Comm. snd res. Prom pt. Lowest prices 3637 28. Awnings.

Blinds Shades VENETIAN BLINDS New. cleaning and rerslntlne, window shsdes. traverse rods. Free eat. nil MODERN SHADE 3747 M'HAHA AV APEX COMPLETE ASSORTMENT SIZES, OOl ORS APEX SHADES A BUNDS.

HIGHEST QUALITIES, LOWEST PRICTW. 824 E. LAKE ST. fXJ 077 PEIXA VENETIAN BLINDS The only blind with nylon cord and a 10-yrguar. We Install LI 8648.


CESSPOOL INSTALLATION. LI 0355 AFTER HOURS CII 04M WINTER RATES Jobs done at cost to enable us to keep skilled mechanics huv during winter montlis. Cash or terms. WH 9283 CH 1001 HAVE ample maferisuTTd build 3 more" homes IF we can start before ground freezes. Contact us at once.

We have plans for homes now under construction that you can see. McMAINSCONSTRUCTION CO. CO 0S EXCAVATING GRADING DITCHING BETTER WORK AT LOWER PRICES PL9256 RE 7091 Building Contractor RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL D. COFFMAN H0 72ISJ CHEAP FILL Clay A gravel. WA 3800 days.

PA 1705 HAWTHORNE CONST. CO WA 64i3 KE 1449 WHY LIVE with saeglnx floors, binding doors Have then corrected the etcd. proven Ad)iistiiPost wy1 Call CR 8Bh3. GARAGE CONTRACTORS" RESIDENTIAL GARAGE BUILDERS GOKCO CONTRUCTION WH 0SS OVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS" Garages buiit. remodeling A repairing.

CARLSON Brothers GL1564. DR 63K7 EXCAVATING GRADING ReasPrompt B. Hagllnd DR 380 "REMODELING, carpenter work, painting, arraying, cement woric and waterproof-lne. Guar. Ins.

PL 3187. EXCAVATING GRADING Foster Ewav. WA 3800 eves. PA 1705 GLAMORIZE your bath kitchen with Pittsburgh tile A rubber or asphalt floors. Ress.

Free est. Hy 8692. Birch Kitchen Cabinets Hardware Included. Free est. JU 428J "CARPENTER.

New repairing." gjrages. Small Jobs specialty. Attic to-suljtion. PL77r6. ANDERSON WOODWORKING CO.

Kitchen cabinets msde to order. PL Day or Eves. HOUSE BUILDING. rrmo.1:Ung. expert finUhlng.

Work guaranteed. Call after 5p.m..CH 204. CARPENTERS, lmmed. service. New fir remodeling.

Esper. Best rets. HY J2.S3. 5.000 SQ." YDS. clay clay filling.

F.s-avatlng grading. AT i Commercial Building A Remodellnr 3 JOHN SON CON ST CO. PL CMI LET us do your remodeling. Aoo attics A dormers. PL 0862.

CARPENTERS, EXPER. REMODELING BY HOUR OR JOB. AL 2MiZ. CARPENTRY A all kinds. Hsvii powertrxils.doown work.

ST CARPENTER work. Amuse, rooms. "By liour or Job. Free est. PL 6924 "EXPERT remc'dellng A building Contract or dfiTlabor.

free esLHY 5515. GARAGE DOORS. ALL TYPES A CONVERSIONS. PL 5253, DU 32 "30. Cement WorkT Waterproofing PRECAST CONCRETE fTEPS instaiied ln Jfold weather.

WA 009 FIRST CLASS block Ai'cement work of all kinds. CH 1209, AL 926. CEMENT WORK A ChIMnEyIS INSURED. FREE EST. ST 597 FOOTINGS, blockwork.

floors, private or com merclsl. DR 7818. HO 8860. 32. Cleaners.


I6! Exterminators and Fmifator RATS, mice, roaches, bedbugs eterm" nated. Guaranteed results. Licensed A bonded. Free estimates. Fiunkett 311 16th St.

GE 5384. "KXTERM'G rau, mice, motns. roaches, bedbugs, etc. Work ruar. rre est.

Radium Spray Co. Since 1909. RE 0287. ST.JNoof Retinlshint Sarfaelit FOR RENT, new floor senders, edfers. buffers, waxers A woodwora Sanders.

Experienced sanding, sealing A wising. Free estl. PA 607, CO 2703. "Floor Sanding Refinishina; price.


SANDING A FINISHINGTl4years ex-" perienceiCO7082.H. E.Hanson. i 38 Farnace Repairing Cleaninc FXTRNACES "e'esned. FlrepoU. grstesT smokepipes lnstallfd.

Heat stacks to 2nd f'oor New ail-steel furnsces. St. Lou.s Pk only. Park Heating WH 1207. FRESH AIR INTAKES, ettic veniliatofs lntalled Overcomes condensation Free estl WH 1207.

CIRCULATING OIL HEATEPS CLEANED A ADJUSTED. 13 50 LOUTS CVE Clyde A. age 59, residence JMl av Survived by wife. 1 son. Richard: 2 daughters.

Mra Leo Mtrgareti MontvUie. Mrs. Cha'les (Doro'Jiyl Stanley, i grandchildren: 4 sis era. Miss Merle Cravens. Mrs.

Harry Sf afer. Mrs. Erllng Strom. Mrs. Helen Brsdeen: 2 brotners.

Claire and Vemoo Cravens Services Sat. 2 pjn. at Walker Methodist church. 3Ut at AV 16th av 5. Interment Crystal I-ase cemetery.

Henry W. Anderson Mortuary. 1S39 E. Lake St. DfXBIRT Effle.

of 3301 45th av S. Survived by 3 daughters. Beuiah Dui-bury. Mrs. Rcth Price, and Mrs.

Ber-nice Kidder: 1 sister. Mrs. L. N. Dui-bury Services Sun 3 p.m., Fred w.

Johnston Kome, St. Paul. Interment private. FOR Edwin, of 3319 Nicollet Ave. Survived by wife.

Ciarlce. 3 brothers A 2 sisters In Sweden. Funeral services Sat. afternoon 1:30. Werness Brothers Chapel.

Interment Sunset. FLATLAVD Hannah. 4249 30th av S. Notice of service later. Arrangements Werness Brothers.

FI LLER Lucy Harrison, at the home of her daughter. Dr. Alice H. Fuller. Colfas av S.

Also, survived by daughter. Mrs. Frederick S. Kidney. Mpls sons.

Harrison, New Haven. Chaa. A Mpls Frank St. Paul. 8 grandchildren: 4 great-grandchildren.

Services Sat. afternoon. 2 o'clock, St. John's Episcopal church. 4ind Sheridan So.

Interment Lakewood. Please omit flowers. GOI LD Mary A age S3, of 7018 Penn av. S. Survived by husband.

George son, S. Gould: 5 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. Services Saturday afternoon 3 o'clock at Lakewood chapel. Friends may call after noon Frldav at Weiander-Qulst (West chapel I. 2301 Dupont Av.

S. H4.MMERSTROM Ten, age S. resi-denec- 1011 31st sv on Tues. Services Sat. 1 30 m.

Weiandrr-Quist i North chapel) 1220 Broadway. Interment Crystal Lake cemetery. H4XNI I.A William ate 6fi. of Hlb-bing. Minn.

Funeral notice later. Ar-rengements with Washburn-McReavy, AT 2369. corner 4th and Central. HANSON Harry age 62 of Pueblo. formerly of Mpls.

Services Saturday 2:30 p.m. at the Larson Chapel. 2301 Central av NE. Interment Lakewood. H4.SSF.I-STROM Carrie, age 91 res-denre 3455 Queen av on Wed Survived by diughtfrs.

Mrs. John Simpson, Wyoming. Miss Clara Hassplstiom. brother. A.

W. Munon. 5 grandchildren and 5 great erandchildren. Services Sat. 3 m.

Wlander-QuLt (Norih chapeh, 1200 W. Broadway. Interment Crystal Lake cemetery. HOPPENRATH William age 1 3219 Collai av N. Survived by wife Elizabeth daughter Mrs.

Lorraine I. Gabriel: 2 brothers Max A. and Frank F. Service Mon. 2 pm.

Swan-son Funeral Home. Interment Sunset Memorial Park. Visitation at chapel from noon Sat. Ill BKR Katherine age 2. Of 2900 -iv SE.

Funeral notice later. Arrangements by Gill Brothers. INGMAN Charles W. Age 56. Residing at 120 Malcolm av SE.

Passed away Wednesday. Funeral services Saturday afternoon 2 o'clock at the Grace Lutheran church. Harvard Delaware sts SE Interment Lakewood cemetery. Ve-lander-Qulst (South Chapeli service. JOHNSON Carrie age 7.

of 1334 Monroe st NE. Beloved mother of- Mabel C. Johnson. and Herman R. Johnson.

Wauwatosa. also, survived by 3 grandchildren and 2 greatgrandchildren. Services 2:30 at the Immanuel Lutheran church, 15th A- Monroe st NE. Interment Hillside. Friends may call at the O.

E. Larson chapel. 2301 Central av until 11:30 Sat. KALM'NKl William I age 43, of 264 No. Bryant.

Survived by wife, Gladys. 2 sons. Inland and Ronald. 2 brothers. Arnold and Helnier.

all of Mpls 2 slitters, Mrs. Arvo Klvtsto of Robbinsdale and Mrs. Leonard Kelflins of Spring Lake Park. Minn. Funeral services 2:30 p.m..

at Gill Brothers Funeral chapel. Interment Crystal Lake cemetery. EARNS Mrs. Margaret ace 5 years, of 5820 11th Ave. So.

Survived by a son. Arthur brothers, Em-mett and Melvin McGarry: a sister. Mrs. Edna HcinU. of Maiden.

MasF. Funeral Sat. 8 am. from Gleason Mortuary. 27th St.

Nicollet Ave. 9 a m. at Resurrection church. Interment Calvary cemetery. Rosary 8:15 p.m.

Friday. KELLT -Henry age 53, residence S04 W. 22nd on Tues. Survived by wife. Elizabeth: 4 sisters.

Mrs. Agnes Morris. Mahtomedi. Miss Clarice Kelly and Mrs. Eleanore Young of seal Beach.

Calif, and Miss Nance Kelly. San Ma- teo, brother, Robert. Seai Beach. Calif. Services Sat.

afternoon 1:30 o'clock at Welander-Qulst (West Chapeli, 2j01 Dupcnt av s. interment Fort Snelllng Cemetery. K1RPEKF, Nick, employe of Radlsson Hotel. Services Sat. morning 9 o'clock St Olafs church.

2nd Ave. So. 8th St. Interment St. Marys cemetery.

Recitation of the Rosary Fri. evening 8:30. Werness Brothers Chapel. KIEHNEMAN Arthur age 39. of 4129 45th av S.

Survived by wife, Marie: 1 son. Arthur 2 daughters. Arlene and Ardelle: sisters and I brother. Services Sat. 2 m.

Holy Cross Lisrhcran church, Minnehaha Parkway and av s. Friends may call at McDivitt Funeral Home, 2825 E. Lake, until 10:30 a m. Sat. I.AILAINEN Oscar of 714 So.

Cedar Lake Rd Funeral notice later. Arrangements with Washburn-McReavy. I. EE Miss Florence age 26 of 3219 Portland av. Survived by parents.

Mr. A Mrs. O. G. Lee.

sister. Mrs. Dennis J'Tison: brother. Raymond L. Lee.

vPfrv. ires Saturday 1:20 p.m. Albln Chapel. Paul Aibinson, director. 2200 Nicollet sv.

Inteiment Hillside. MeCARTIIf Leonard J-. 4931 Thomas av s. Funeral notice later. Arrangements with Flynn Mortuary.

M4.CREPRANG George. 7S. 810 av S. Wed. Survived by 1 brother dr 2 sisters.

Services 1 m. Sat. at the Enger Funeral Home. Interment Crystal Lake cemetery. NACHTEIEB Henrietta T.

Residence 1614 Stanford St. Paul. Thurs. Dearly beloved mother of Beatrice St. Paul A John W.

of Longmont. also 3 sisters. Services Sat. 3 p.m. from the chapel of Llstoe Wold, St Paul.

Interment Oakland Cemetery. Friends may call a'ter NOON Friday. NELSON Tom. age 53. on Thurs of 205 12 Ave.

NE. Survived by 2 sons. Richard Allen A Thomas Arnold, daughter. Mrs Joseph P. Zdr.n.

7 Funeral Sat. at 10 o'clock from Kapala Funeral Home. Requiem Mass 10:30 in St. Cyril's church. Interment St.

Mary's cemetery. Rf BT RIAL NELSON Charles Pvt. 1st Class H.S.M.C. Co. F.

4th Marines, of 3022 Penn Ave. formerly of Elk River, Minn. Captured on Corregidor and died Dec. 26. 1942 at Japanese Prison Camp.

Osaka. Japan. Survived by parents. Mr. and Mrs.

Willard Nelson: 2 brothers. F.arl Willard 4 sisters. Mrs Ethel Hayes. Mrs. Irleine Nygard.

Mrs. Jean Strauss, Chicago, Mrs. Dorothy Williams of Louisville, Ky. Rosary Fri. eve 8 clock and services Sat.

9:30 a.m. at Sund-seth Funeral Home. Interment National Cemetery. PALMER Ralph, formerly of St. Paul, passed away at Oakland.

Calif. Services 2 p.m.. at Hanson-Nugent. 344 University, St. Paul.

PAI LSON Edward Carl, age 66 yrs of 1105 26 Ave. SE. Survived by Plumleigh. nephews nieces. Services Sat.

2 p.m. at the Gleason Mortuary. 27 SL Nicollet Ave. Interment Lake-wood cemetery. PFl.DO Mary infant daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Delbert Peldo, 1 brother. William. Services 2 pm Strobeck-Hauge Funeral chapel. Interment Sunset.

PLAISANCE Victor, age 5 On Nov. 21 survived by wife. EaVwma: 3 sons. Victor. Robert and Eugene; one daughter.

Mrs. Jane Jones: one brother and 5 sisters. Funeral services Saturday. 2 p.m. from St.

John's Lutheran church, cor. Broadwav A Washington St. N.E. Interment Hillside. Body will lie In state at the church from 1 p.m.

until Ume of service. Buchinger Service. PRINDLE Julia. age 50, of 3345 Washington N. Survived by sister, Mrs.

Sarah Smith; 2 brothers, William A Steve Dean, all of Cairo. mother-in-law. Mrs. Catherine E. Prindle A sister-in-law.

Mrs. Margaret Berger. Mpls. Services 1 p.m. Sat.

at Hanson-Nugent. 211S NlcoUet. ROCSE Thomas H-. residence 1901 ith St. S.

Survived, by five sisters. Mrs. Julia P.eed. Mrs. Sarah Fairchlld.

Anna. Kathryn, and Honore Rouse. Funeral Monday. a.m. from Gleason Mortuary, 27th A Nicollet, m.

at St. Elizabeth's Church. Interment St. Mary's cemetery. RCTLEDGE Arthur age 6-5.

residence 4359 Brookside av. Edrna. on Wed Serv-Ires 12 o'clock coon. Weiander-Quist (West chapelt. 2301 Dupont S-Intenneni OakhUl cemetery.

4. CEMETERY LOTS SELECT YOUR MEMORIAL PROPERTY TODAY Why postpone the selection of rurally lots ami! an actual emergency exists? Two grave, tax-free family lots are still evallable at beautiful Lakewood Memorial Park for as low as gl32 an an easy budget plan. LAKEWOOD MEMORIAL PARK JrrH4 HE.MNKPTN CO 2171 SEE R1L1.SLDE CEMETERY'S DeautlfuT family lets. Low in price Buv now on our easy payment plan. GR 1420 5JL0RISTS HCRTELIUS FLORISTS J5130 Nicollet sv.

We deliver. KE 8784. FLOWER MART Hochstaetters Broadwav atNewtoa 6. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Albin Chapel Paul Aibinson, Director 2200 Nicollet AT 1418 McDIVITT FUNERAL HOME ROY T. PATTERSON 29thav.


JR. ROY F. HUNT DIRECTORS 2M8 CENTRAL AV. CR 3S9 Gleason Mortuary 27th and Nicollet RE S207 Kapala Funeral Home 230 13 AVE NE. BR 3721 ALBINSON ELMER ALTUNSON.






JN MEMORIAM IN IOVING memory of Sirs. Emma Schlne who pusaed away Nov. 26. 1933. NORA.

JANE A HELEN. 2. TRANSPORTATION TRAVEL BOTH READERS AND AUVLrC'i laa-KU ARE urged to exercise caution In arranging automoOile transportation witn otiier individuals References should be exchanged and carefully Investigated. DRIVING Los Angeles Friday m. Take 4.

Rets, exen PArker 5795. DRIVING LA. Nov. Rets, exctl. HY 6418.

28th, take 3. at. DRIVING to L.A. Sat. '47 Pont.

Ta 2. no stops. BR 6503. DRI VING to "New York Miami Nov. pass.RefsexchCOSeT.

LADY wishes ride to San Francisco, arrive Dec. 5. WA 6084. 14. HUNTING ACCOMMODATIONS DEER HUNTERS Have your deer skinned, cut up, wrapped marked to suit your requirements.

i3By experts. DU 4267 cr DU 0267. DEER HUNTERS ATTENTION Deers shinned A cut tip, your home or our shop. CH 3614 or PR 1431 'DEERS skinned, $3 up; also cut fo" order. trlmmlrim ground.

PA 6524. Y5.J.rrS SEEJTHE TOWN ENJOY DINING IN THE BEAUTIFUL WEDGWOOD ROOM. THE CURTIS HOTEL Ave st 10th St 17. LOSTAND FOUND REWARD for Jewelry lost in Harold's Wednesday about 4 p.m. GE 9037 or Wayzata362.

LOST Younjt golden tan part Labrador male, "i tall missing. Reward. GL JJ30 WH 3444. LOST by Maryland Hotel, lady's wallet. Need papers.

Liberal Rew. Peggy Mo- Connell. AT 0231 a fter 6 M. LOST 2 floodlights cn hwy'! ioT So. of Mpis: Reward.

Contact P. J. Sand-blade. JW1 ExcelslorH'jpkirur HO 9078. LOST Golden corker spaniel female, i mo.

oid. Vic. 39ti A Pulsbury. Rew. RE 340 FOUND Sun.

eve, female Toy Terrier puppy. Black A white. 4 white feet A white breast. GE 7285. LOST Glasses in case.

Vic. 34th sv A 54th st navy base. Rew. BR 7638 or DU 99C4. LOST: Tan topcoat with gloves A glasses In pocket at Hamburger Heaven.

Sat. Please call LO "LOST Black A white Angora kitten, white tinned tall, vie 46th st A 43rd av s. Rew. PA 5470. LOST Buff co* "Kipps." lie No.

7668. Please call LO 4001. Rew. LOST Flesh colored glasses" on Fri. vie.

RE 2089 IOST She'J rimmed glasses Fn. blue cue Fn. nite. Reard AL 2051. LOST.

Labrador puppy! HghinSn. Lie. 8864 Rew. WH 27M LOST Tues eve. Shaefer pen at Era-press heateror vie.

LI1434. LOST Lady's billfold, social security 397-23-5637. CaU 270. III Minneapolis With Leap Year almost over, ten of America's most eligible bachelors from baseball slugger Ralph Kiner to G-Man J. Edgar Hoover have revealed how they managed to stay single and how they like being that way.

"Life Without a Wife," a fascinating article-in This Week magazine with your next Minneapolis Sunday Tribune, lets you in on the private lives of prominent bachelors and passes out some information every girl should know. Don't miss it! 1 I- Receipts Shlprrenti FM Yr. seo Fn. Yr. aso Wheat 2f4 2S9 124 2:0 171 48 f4 17 nats 2 79 44 77 Barie? 147 Its 117 Rve 17 IS 13 Flax 21 53 S3 15 Soybeans 40 Totals ,...54 SJ 433 454 Dogwood Bumstead has some tips on child discipline in fhe comic section that will start your Sunday off with a laugh.

And 24 other top comics will give you a day full of fun, romance and There's a massacre going on south of the border! Mexican commercial hunters are slaughtering United States, Canadian and Mexican game birds by the thousands. Result short seasons and small limits for sportsmen of the three nations. Read all about the Mexican "game bird armada" and how it could be prevented in Bob Deindorfer's article, "Mexican Duel Trap," in This Week magazine with next Sunday's Minneapolis Tribune. ItVLK MOVEMENT Receipts Shipments Wheit, bu 220. S00 Corn, bu 290.700 ins.800 Oaia.

bu 155.000 110.000 Barley, bu 13.000 250.000 Pya. bu 2S 900 22.100 Flax, bu 35.700 107.100 Soybeans, bu. 68. 00O Totals 1,063.100 Screenings, tons 245 Flour, cwt. MUlatuff.

tons Linseed Oil, lbs Linseed Meal, lbs SoyoeHn Oil. lb Soybean Meal. lbs. SIS 595 S3. 240 2,700 1 440 000 2.

ISO 000 l.O 000 KOPENVXEASEN COLD STUFFED MISERIES OF CHEST COLDS Rub on Penetro to relieve cold's ache, pain, muscle soreness. So enTective. NOSE One whiff M-l rives strand Wjy.i reeling. Always carry a. witn PEMETRO MS Advertisem*nt FALSE TEETH Rock.

Slide or Slip? FaSTEETH, an improved powder to be sprinkled on upper or lower plates, holds false teeth more firmly in place. Do not slide, slip or rocs. No rummy. looey, pasty taste cr feeling. FASTEETH is alkaline 1 non-acid t.

Does not sour. Checks plate odor" (denture breath i. Get FASTEETH at any inn store. To' 1 4fflmrieapolts gmbuy WvtMnt ORDER NOW Call your dealer, or see the carrier-salesman on your street or write us. In Minneapolis, cell AT.

37 7 in St. foul, call Midway 9035. 4.

The Minneapolis Star from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)


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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.