The Global Intelligence Files - [latam] CENTAM/CARIBE (2024)

On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor's web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.

[latam] CENTAM/CARIBE - 101102

Costa Rica

. CR confirms Nica soldiers are on CR soil; will denounce incursion
at OAS; CR boosts military presence on border

. Arias Consolidates His Power Base For 2014 Presidential Elections

El Salvador

. FTA talks btw Canada, ES, Guate, Nica, Honduras have stalled as
Canadians change top negotiator

. Escape Attempt Foiled at Prison in El Salvador

. ES police investigating presence of Mexican ex-police in country;
believed to be working for narcos


. FTA talks btw Canada, ES, Guate, Nica, Honduras have stalled as
Canadians change top negotiator

. Investment interest is growing in Guatemala; Colombia wants to see
security improvements


. FTA talks btw Canada, ES, Guate, Nica, Honduras have stalled as
Canadians change top negotiator

. Honduras wants to show its progress in human rights at UN

. National civic strike to be held Nov. 11


. FTA talks btw Canada, ES, Guate, Nica, Honduras have stalled as
Canadians change top negotiator

. CR confirms Nica soldiers are on CR soil; will denounce incursion
at OAS; CR boosts military presence on border

. Nica hopes to receive IMF decision in November


. Panama investigating alleged FARC threats to security min.

. Panama launches anti-cholera campaign


. Morales says that Castro advised him to follow Chavez's path

. Cuba Hosts Int'l Trade Fair; China sends large delegation

. Cuba to release longest-held political prisoner

. Cuba and Spain Strengthen Commercial Relations

. EU wants to make cooperation accord with Cuba

Dominican Republic

. Dominican Republic's prime tourist region fears growing Haitian

. Energy czar, senators to eye review of electricity contracts

. IMF says DR economy is in full expansion

. Dominican Government to get US$117M more on revision of IMF pact


. OAS Reviews Haiti Elections

. UN helping Haiti to prepare for impending hurricane

. Dominican Republic's prime tourist region fears growing Haitian

Costa Rica

Tuesday 02 November 2010

Arias Consolidates His Power Base For 2014 Presidential Elections

Although the presidential elections are more than 3 years away, one
potential candidate, former ministro de la Presidencia, Rodrigo Arias, is
on already on the campaign trail. In fact, he began days after the
inauguration of Presidenta Laura Chinchilla, but paused after he was told
to cool off.

Arias for 2014 is a strong possibility, as the brother of former two time
president, Oscar Arias, prepares his base for the Partido Liberacion
Nacional (PLN) candidate nomination.

As part of his preparations, Arias has been touring communities in the
various communities in the country, supporting mayoral candidates for the
December 5 municipal elections.

In so doing, Arias is fortifying his power base, moreso if a majority of
PLN mayoral candidates hold on to power or are elected.

According to Arias himself, so far he has visited more than 50 communities
and will continue to do so up to election day.

Rodrigo Arias made his interest in the 2014 presidency 40 days after
Chinchilla took office. Arias was heavily criticized for his arrogance,
cooling his heels, at least in the public eye.

The PLN party has a mayoral candidate in all 81 cantones in the country
and by way of the social media, Arias is consolidating his contacts from
now to the upcoming presidential election.

El Salvador

Escape Attempt Foiled at Prison in El Salvador
Posted: Monday, November 01, 2010 - By EFE
More than 100 gang members had their escape plan foiled by the discovery
of a tunnel in a prison in eastern El Salvador.
SAN SALVADOR - Authorities at a prison in eastern El Salvador discovered a
tunnel over the weekend and foiled an escape attempt by gang members,
officials said.
The tunnel was found Sunday morning at the prison in Ciudad Barrios, where
members of the notorious Mara Salvatrucha gang are housed.
"The prison operations group and police, via the Unit for the Maintenance
of Order (UMO), found a two-meter (6.5-foot) deep and 16-meter-long
(52-foot-long) tunnel in sector three of the prison in Ciudad Barrios,"
national prison service director Douglas Moreno said.
Authorities had intelligence indicating that a tunnel was being
constructed at the prison and inmates "needed only about 16 meters to
reach their objective," Moreno said.
The tunnel's discovery foiled the escape of "at least 100 inmates" at the
prison, which is located in San Miguel, about 156 kilometers (97 miles)
east of San Salvador, and which houses 2,228 prisoners.
Prison officials declared a state of emergency for an indefinite period at
the penitentiary, suspending visits by inmates' relatives, Moreno said.
El Salvador's two largest violent youth gangs, known as "maras," are Mara
18 and Mara Salvatrucha.
Mara Salvatrucha is a criminal organization that evolved on the streets of
Los Angeles during the 1980s, with most of its members young Salvadorans
whose parents fled their nation's erstwhile civil war for the United
Because many of the gang members were born in El Salvador, they were
subject to deportation when rounded up during immigration crackdowns in
California in the 1990s.
Sent "home" to a land they barely knew, they formed gangs that spread
throughout El Salvador and to neighboring countries in Central America,
where membership is now counted in the tens, or even hundreds of
thousands, and gang members are engaged in murder, drug dealing,
kidnapping and people smuggling.
In addition to those activities, gang members are blamed throughout
Central America for a spike in rapes and robberies, and for running
protection rackets to extort "taxes" from bus companies and owners of
small businesses.
Police estimate that some 10,000 gang members, most of them affiliated
either with Mara 18 or Mara Salvatrucha operate in El Salvador.

PNC indaga presencia de ex policias en Mexico
>> Asuntos Internos investiga casos de policias que estan en Mexico al
servicio de narcos
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vista aerea del Rancho San Fernando, en Tamaulipas, donde en agosto pasado
72 inmigrantes fueron masacrados por sicarios. FOTOS EDH / FELIPE AYALA
La Inspectoria General de la Policia Nacional Civil (PNC) confirmo ayer
que esa dependencia ha abierto investigaciones sobre los casos de
elementos policiales que han solicitado permisos temporales para irse a
trabajar como "seguridad" a Mexico, indico ayer la inspectora general,
Zaira Navas.
Navas indico que es la Unidad de Asuntos Internos, en coordinacion con la
Fiscalia General de la Republica, la encargada de hacer las averiguaciones
sobre personal policial, con permisos temporales o retirados de la
institucion, que, al parecer, estan en Mexico trabajando para

El domingo anterior, El Diario de Hoy publico un reportaje sobre un
policia que pertenecio a la Unidad de Mantenimiento del Orden (UMO) que
habria muerto abatido por el Ejercito mexicano en el municipio Los Aldama,
en el estado de Nuevo Leon.

En la misma publicacion se informo sobre otros policias de la misma UMO
que tambien estarian trabajando como sicarios o mercenarios para carteles
de narcotraficantes en Mexico.

Navas dijo que estaban haciendo una investigacion seria al respecto pues
era lamentable que personal policial estuviera involucrado en hechos
delictivos en Mexico, pero que eran decisiones muy personales y que la
institucion no podia amarrarlos para evitar que se fueran.


La funcionaria indico que lo unico que institucionalmente se puede hacer
es mejorar las condiciones laborales de todos los miembros de la
corporacion para evitar casos como los denunciados por El Diario de Hoy.

El pasado 24 de julio, Jesus Elias F. A., un ex policia salvadoreno que
este ano pidio permiso temporal de la corporacion, murio al enfrentarse a
tiros con el Ejercito mexicano en un intento por cubrir la retirada de
otros sujetos que se encontraban en una narco finca en Los Aldama, Nuevo
Leon, aseguraron fuentes policiales que pidieron el anonimato.

El cadaver de El Carnicero, como el se hacia llamar en las filas
policiales, fue repatriado a mediados de agosto, segun consta en la
partida de defuncion.

De acuerdo con las fuentes, en Mexico tambien estarian otros policias de
la UMO, entre estos un cabo y el hermano de un sargento que fue miembro
del Grupo Especial Antinarcoticos (GEAN).

La inspectora Navas no quiso corroborar las identidades de los policias
que estarian trabajando en Mexico ni la del agente que murio en Los

Mas bien se comprometio en hacer una investigacion seria para no afectar
la imagen de las personas sin antes tener comprobados los hechos
delictivos a los que son vinculados ni lesionar los sentimientos de los
parientes, aseguro.

Segun fuentes de este periodico, los policias que estan trabajando con
narcotraficantes mexicanos han sido reclutados por personal dentro de la
institucion policial que tiene contactos con narcos mexicanos.


Crece interes por invertir en Guatemala; Gobierno colombiano espera que se
mejore condiciones de seguridad

A la reciente compra de EPM, se unirian pronto EEB y Ecopetrol, que preven
nuevos movimientos en ese pais centroamericano.

Con optimismo han acogido representantes del Gobierno y el sector privado
de Guatemala, la decision estrategica de la colombiana EPM de adquirir el
80 por ciento de Eegsa, la mayor empresa electrica de Centroamerica y de
ese pais, por 635 millones de dolares, asi como los repetidos anuncios de
nuevas incursiones por parte de otras firmas nacionales en dicho mercado.

Roberto Barrera, consultor local, considero que no cree que el retiro de
los antiguos socios de Eegsa vaya a afectar la atraccion de inversiones al
pais centroamericano. "Lo que veo es que se les acabo la epoca de la
gallina de los huevos de oro, y Guatemala solo les interesaba cuando tenia
nivel alto de utilidad", anadio.

En su opinion, las companias colombianas estan dispuestas a operar a
costos mas bajos, como el consorcio de Empresa de Energia de Bogota (EEB)
y Electricas de Medellin Ltda., que se ganaron recientemente una
licitacion para construir el plan de expansion de transmision (PET), que
consta de 850 kilometros de lineas, con una inversion estimada de 300
millones de dolares. Adicionalmente, EEB presentara una oferta para
comprar una participacion accionaria en la Transmisora de Energia
Renovable (Transnova), que es de la firma Enel.

El ministro de Minas y Energia de Guatemala, Luis Ortiz, afirmo a los
medios de su pais que la adquisicion de Eegsa muestra que la region es de
mucho potencial para las companias colombianas, ya que es un mercado de 35
millones de habitantes y con una alta tendencia al crecimiento.

Tambien revelo que Iberdrola, dueno del 39 por ciento de Eegsa, y los
demas antiguos socios, decidieron seguir adelante con la demanda ante el
Estado, por 632 millones de dolares y ante un tribunal de arbitramento
internacional, por la disminucion del valor agregado de distribucion
(VAD), monto maximo que las distribuidoras de energia pueden cobrar a los
usuarios por el servicio, que paso de 11,36 dolares por kilovatio a 4,24

Al respecto, el presidente de EPM, Federico Restrepo, dijo al diario
Prensa Libre que ese es un asunto propio de dichas firmas porque la
colombiana no compro la pelea de estas con el Gobierno. "Compramos sobre
la base de que el modelo y esquema tarifario que hay hoy es el que esta;
y, por supuesto, eso tiene una incidencia en la valoracion final y no
tenemos ninguna expectativa que vaya a ver modificaciones en otro
sentido", aclaro.

Mas interes en inversiones

Por su parte, Juan Guillermo Angel Mejia, embajador de Colombia en
Guatemala, dijo que las firmas colombianas han encontrado que ese pais
tiene altas posibilidades de desarrollo, si logra superar algunas
dificultades internas que afectan la economia, como el narcotrafico y la
seguridad. "Ojala puedan encontrar el rumbo necesario", comento.


Gobierno buscara mostrar en ONU sus criticados progresos en DD HH
San Pedro Sula.- Honduras prepara a marcha forzada la documentacion con la
que respondera el Examen Periodico Universal (EPU) del Consejo de Derechos
Humanos (CDH) de la Organizacion de las Naciones Unidas (ONU), en Ginebra,
Suiza, una presentacion que esta bajo la esceptica mirada de los
organismos de defensa de los derechos humanos del pais y organizaciones

Aprobados por el Congreso, el gobierno lleva a Ginebra dos
importantes proyectos en su carpeta de logros: la Ley de Mecanismos de
aplicacion del protocolo facultativo de la Convencion de las Naciones
Unidas Contra la Tortura y otros Tratos o Penas Crueles, Inhumanos o
Degradantes y la creacion del Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos,
el cual esta a cargo de la abogada Ana Pineda, pero no se logro consenso
en cuanto al establecimiento de una Comision contra la Impunidad.

El Gobierno esta preparando un informe "bien bonito" porque aseguran que
ha habido avances, pero la realidad es que en el pais las violaciones a
los derechos humanos son constantes, opina como contrapunto Bertha Oliva,
coordinadora general del Comite de Familiares Detenidos y Desaparecidos en
Honduras (Cofadeh).

Hugo Maldonado, vicepresidente del Comite para la Defensa de los Derechos
Humanos en Honduras (Codeh), no quita el dedo de la llaga al apuntar que
"Honduras es uno de los paises mas violentos de America Latina. Un pais
donde el respeto a los derechos humanos ha venido en declive, con
asesinatos a periodistas y la libertad de expresion coartada".

Hugo Maldonado, vicepresidente del Comite para la Defensa de los Derechos
Humanos en Honduras (Codeh).
Pero el gobierno de Porfirio Lobo tiene otra vision respecto de los
derechos humanos en el pais. En su informe preliminar presentado a finales
de agosto a la Organizacion de las Naciones Unidas, sostuvo que "un numero
indeterminado de denuncias basadas originalmente en violaciones a derechos
humanos, una vez concluidas las investigaciones, se verifico que estaban
ligadas a la delincuencia comun y al crimen organizado y en aquellas en
que se establecen indicios de participacion de agentes del Estado, se ha
instruido igualmente la investigacion, la consecuente identificacion,
juzgamiento y sancion correspondiente".

Los procesos que fueron judicializados y sobreseidos en primera
instancia, continuan activos debido a la pronta interposicion de recursos
por parte del Ministerio Publico y los fiscales especiales, los que tienen
como finalidad encontrar a los responsables. De las investigaciones
preliminares se constata que algunos de los homicidios son producto de la
delincuencia comun y crimen organizado, apunta el informe preliminar del
gobierno que se encuentra en la pagina electronica de la ONU.

Pero Bertha Oliva sostiene que las violaciones a los derechos humanos se
siguen dando a diario en Honduras y ejemplifico el intento de secuestro
que vivio recientemente una representante del Frente Nacional de
Resistencia Popular y otros atentados".

La beligerante defensora de los derechos humanos adelanto que el Cofadeh
esta trabajando para hacer llegar un informe a la Comision de Derechos
Humanos y que estaran pendientes de los resultados que se deriven del
examen al que se va a someter el pais en Ginebra.

El documento del gobierno no menciona cuantas denuncias ni de que tipo
fueron interpuestas despues del 28 de junio, dia en que se ejecuto el
golpe de Estado, sin embargo, esa documentacion podria ser presentada el
dia del examen, el 4 de noviembre en Ginebra.

Hugo Maldonado, vicepresidente del Comite para la Defensa de los Derechos
Humanos en Honduras (Codeh), dice que todos los pasos que de el pais en
materia de derechos humanos son positivos y que estan de acuerdo con
ellos, pero, por otro lado, ve con preocupacion que muchos casos aun esten
impunes en el pais y tambien cuestiona la ola de violencia que se esta

Agrega que "la ola de femicidios y de atentados y muertes de periodistas
es alarmante. Vergonzosamente, en este momento, estamos catalogados como
el pais mas violento de America Latina, es muy mal, pero nada es la
violencia, el problema mas grande que tenemos es la impunidad, porque nos
esta poniendo en peligro a todos y a todas".

A esa reiterada queja de los defensores de los derechos humanos el
gobierno responde en su informe registrado en la pagina electronica de la
ONU, con el argumento que ha pedido al Sistema Interamericano y de
Naciones Unidas, enviar "cuantos Relatores y Comisiones de Trabajo estimen
pertinentes para constatar in situ los avances, compromisos pendientes y
los esfuerzos en materia de los derechos humanos por parte del Estado de
Honduras. De igual forma, formalizo peticion a la Oficina del Alto
Comisionado para los Derechos Humanos de Naciones Unidas" para que instale
una Oficina o Representacion en Honduras.

Pero muchas organizaciones internacionales le aceptaron el reto al
gobierno y han llegado al pais a constatar el estado de los derechos
humanos durante y despues del golpe. Los resultados de esas visitas no han
sido tan halagadores como para ufanarse en la ONU.

La ultima queja ha sido la de una treintena de congresistas democratas en
una carta enviada recientemente a la secretaria de Estado, Hillary
Clinton. En la misiva pidieron suspender la asistencia directa, sobre todo
en materia policial y militar", hasta que el gobierno de Honduras "haga
progresos sustantivos en mejorar su deplorable historial en derechos

"Hemos recibido informes creibles de organizaciones de derechos humanos
que senalan que los abusos continuan con casi total impunidad", senalaron
los congresistas, al destacar que, segun los reportes, desde agosto han
sido asesinadas seis personas identificadas con la oposicion, senalaron
los congresistas estadounidenses. Luz Virginia Bueno

Lo dijo
"En este pais a lo que menos se le apuesta es a ese tutelaje de los
derechos humanos, por eso el Codeh esta de acuerdo con todas las
inversiones en esta materia porque no tenemos una cultura de derechos
humanos en el pais. Los ninos, muchachos y hasta funcionarios publicos, no
saben lo que son derechos humanos":
Hugo Maldonado, vicepresidente del Codeh

Honduras: labor struggles heat up
Submitted by Weekly News Update on Tue, 11/02/2010 - 00:18.
Representatives of Honduran unions and grassroots movements agreed on Oct.
30 to schedule a series of actions over the next two weeks around four
issues: the national minimum wage, a law suspending pay increases for
teachers, restrictions on pay increases for other public employees, and
proposed legislation to allow temporary work.

Meeting at the Vicente Caceres Central Institute in Tegucigalpa,
representatives of the main labor federations, teachers' organizations and
the National Popular Resistance Front (FNRP), which grew out of opposition
to a June 2009 military coup d'etat, decided to hold informational
assemblies with teachers and public workers around the country on Nov. 1,
to be followed by marches in Tegucigalpa and the northern industrial city
of San Pedro Sula on Nov. 3. These actions are to culminate in a "national
civic strike"-a day of protests with some work stoppages--on Nov. 11.

As of Oct. 30 Porfirio ("Pepe") Lobo Sosa had still not announced an
increase in the minimum wage that was due in April. He finally set Nov. 1
as the date for the announcement, but the unions said the anticipated
increase of 6% would not let workers catch up with increases in the cost
of living.

The unions seem even more concerned about legislation that General Workers
Central (CGT) general secretary Daniel Duron said would liquidate gains
made by workers over many years. The National Congress voted 79-3 night of
Oct. 27--with 25 legislative deputies abstaining and 21 absent from the
session--to approve a measure proposed by Lobo to suspend for one year an
automatic annual wage increase for teachers that was legislated in 1993.
The new law also suspended special arrangements for other public

Finance Minister William Chong Wong said on Oct. 28 that these measures
were necessary because the government doesn't have the "economic capacity"
to pay increases. In Spain the government has lowered salaries in the
public sector because of the world economic crisis, he said, but in
Honduras "no one's salary is being reduced." The FNRP and teachers and
public employees unions protested the vote with a march through the
streets of Tegucigalpa and a sit-in in front of the National Congress on
Oct. 28. (La Tribuna, Tegucigalpa, Oct. 31; Prensa Latina, Oct. 28; EFE,
Oct. 28, via, Spain; FNRP communique #76, Oct. 28)

The proposed Law of Temporary Work would allow a business to utilize
temporary or part-time workers for up to 40% of its workforce. Current law
only allows full-time, permanent employment. The unions say this will
reduce benefits for the part-time workers and allow the exploitation of
seasonal employees. (Honduras Culture and Politics blog, Oct. 24)


TLC con Canada estancado
Valorar: Resultados: 0 votos
Por: Wendy Alvarez Hidalgo
Las negociaciones por un tratado de libre comercio entre el grupo de
paises del CA-4 y Canada se volvieron a estancar, porque el Gobierno
canadiense decidio cambiar a su jefe negociador.

El CA-4 lo forman Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador y Guatemala.

El presidente de la Asociacion de la Industria Textil y de Confeccion de
Nicaragua (Anitec), Dean Garcia, dijo que el nuevo delegado canadiense
comunico su interes de negociar un nuevo tratado comercial, descartando
todo lo que ya se habia avanzado y cerrado.

"Las expectativas con las negociaciones con Canada no son tan buenas,
porque me informaron en el Mific (Ministerio de Fomento, Industria y
Comercio) de que Canada acaba de cambiar de negociador y ahora este nuevo
negociador quiere renegociar todo otra vez", comento.

En diciembre de 2001 los paises miembros del CA-4 iniciaron negociaciones
con Canada para la firma de un tratado de libre comercio, pero estas se
"estancaron" en 2004, en parte porque Nicaragua y el resto de naciones
centroamericanas han insistido en lograr mejores condiciones de acceso al
mercado canadiense, para rubros como el azucar, la carne y los textiles.

El director ejecutivo del Comite Nacional de Productores de Azucar, Mario
Amador, afirmo que desde que comenzaron las negociaciones con Canada, al
menos 10 veces este pais ha cambiado de jefe de negociador, y esa
situacion no permite que las negociaciones avancen y se firme el acuerdo.

Tuesday 02 November 2010

Nicaraguan Army and Flag Confirmed On Costa Rican Soil

With pictures and video in hand, Costa Rica's ministro de Seguridad, Jose
Maria Tijerino, on Monday confirmed the presence of Nicaraguan soldiers on
Costa Rican soil, mainly the Isla Calero, a piece of land on the Costa
Rican side of the San Juan river.

Tijerino said that the pictures and video show the flag located on
the property, known as Finca Aragon, and trees cut down and sediment
deposited from the dredging operations in the river by Nicaragua.

The Security minister said a fly over of the area Monday morning revealed
the presence of Nicaragua's armed forces on Costa Rican territory and that
the Fuerza Publica (police) presence in the area will be reinforced to
protect national territory.

Tijerino did not give details on the number of police that would be
deployed in the area, saying only they would be sent to the town of Barra
del Colorado located in the northeast corner of Costa Rica.
Costa Rica is also denouncing the incursion with the Organization of
American States (OAS), saying it is an appropriate action given that Costa
Rica's sovereignty is at stake.

The minister said he hopes the OAS's involvement will ensure no further
damage to the environment and a respect of the border by the northern

Both Rene Castro, Costa Rica's Foreign minister and Tijerino said they do
not buy the explanations by Nicaragua that the incursions are part of its
fight against drug trafficking in the area.

Tijerino added that a solution to the problem will be sought by way of
diplomatic channels.

o 02 de noviembre 2010

Nicaragua espera decision del FMI en noviembre

Por Juan Jose Arevalo

presidente del BCN Antenor Rosales (foto J. Cajina)
Para completar 36 millones de dolares pendientes de la cuarta y quinta
revision del programa

El presidente del Banco Central de Nicaragua, Antenor Rosales, esta a la
espera de la decision del Directorio del Fondo Monetario Internacional
(FMI), que apruebe el seguimiento del programa macroeconomico firmado con
el organismo monetario mundial.

Rosales dijo que se envio ayer al Director Gerente del FMI la Carta de
Intencion y el Memorandum Tecnico de Entendimiento, en los cuales quedan
establecidos el compromiso de Nicaragua en asuntos fiscales y en la
Macroeconomia para finales del ano y en el proximo 2011. El actual
programa con el FMI fue extendido por dos meses ya que se habia vencido en
octubre de este ano, dijo el Presidente del BCN.

El presidente del Banco Central dijo que estan a la espera de completar 36
millones de dolares pendientes de la cuarta y quinta revision del
programa, que se han retrasado dos veces entre las cuales estan las
relaciones entre el FMI y el Gobierno.

"Tenemos 72 millones, nos faltan 36 millones de dolares, que esperamos
recibir 20 este ano y 16 en el 2011", dijo el Doctor Rosales Bolanos. Esos
recursos servirian para complementar los 108 millones de dolares del
programa de Servicio de Credito Ampliado, firmado en el 2007.

"De tal forma que estamos en el proceso de los resultados alrededor del
informe que va a presentar la administracion del Fondo sobre las dos
ultimas revisiones al programa de Nicaragua al Directorio de FMI", afirmo
el alto jerarca de la economia de Nicaragua .Los 36 millones de dolares
que se obtengan del FMI seran destinados a las reservas internacionales,
afirmo Rosales Bolanos.

Costa Rica refuerza seguridad en frontera con Nicaragua
6:18 p.m. - SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (AP). -Los ministros de Seguridad y
Relaciones Exteriores de Costa Rica informaron el lunes que reforzaron la
presencia de fuerzas armadas en la frontera con Nicaragua para defender la
soberania, despues de detectar una presunta incursion de tropas del vecino

El ministro de Seguridad Jose Maria Tijerino dijo en rueda de prensa que
al sobrevolar la isla Calera, ubicada en el limitrofe rio San Juan y sobre
la cual Costa Rica dice ejercer soberania, se descubrio un campamento
militar con bandera de Nicaragua, con capacidad para albergar unos 50
hombres en ese territorio.

El canciller Rene Castro indico que dio instrucciones al embajador
costarricense ante la Organizacion de los Estados Americanos a que
solicite de urgencia una reunion del consejo permanente de esa entidad
para tratar el tema.

Mientras tanto, Tijerino dijo que Costa Rica envio un contingente de
policias para reforzar la seguridad en la zona limitrofe.


Panama investiga supuestas amenazas de FARC contra ministro
Editor: Silvia
11:25:49 2010-11-02 / Xinhua
Autoridades panamenas investigan supuestas amenazas de las Fuerzas Armadas
Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) contra el ministro de Seguridad del
pais, Jose Raul Mulino, informo hoy el viceministro de Seguridad,
Alejandro Garauz.
El funcionario dijo este lunes a la prensa que los volantes con las
presuntas amenazas son aparentemente falsos, pues se trataria de avisos
callejeros que se emitieron a nivel local en Panama, pero aun no se conoce
con certeza su procedencia.
Los papeles volantes, que fueron repartidos en algunas areas de la zona
fronteriza con Costa Rica, presuntamente ofrecen dos millones de pesos
colombianos (unos 1.000 dolares) por la cabeza del ministro de Seguridad.
Ante esta situacion, el gobierno panameno llevo a cabo consultas con
organismos de Inteligencia de Colombia, los cuales aseguraron que este
tipo de volantes no son parte del modo de accionar de las FARC.
El ministro de Seguridad, quien asumio este cargo hace 15 meses, se ha
caracterizado por desarrollar un mayor control en la provincia del Darien,
fronteriza con Colombia, escenario de enfrentamientos entre la guerrilla,
paramilitares y el ejercito colombiano.
La zona limitrofe tradicionalmente ha sido escenario de hechos violentos
debido a que es un area montanosa inaccesible, donde tambien operan
organizaciones criminales al servicio del narcotrafico internacional.
Actualmente, Mulino se encuentra realizando una gira por Israel, en Medio
Oriente, donde busca suscribir un acuerdo de cooperacion en temas de
intercambio de informacion, inteligencia, lucha contra el terrorismo y
entrenamiento. Fin

Panama launches anti-cholera campaign 2010-11-02 14:08:33 FeedbackPrintRSS
PANAMA CITY, Nov.1 (Xinhua) -- Panamanian Health Ministry launched a
campaign Monday by deploying 1,495 staff members to prevent a cholera
outbreak during the nationwide celebration of Independence Day that falls
on Wednesday.

The ministry said that the campaign is part of the mobilization launched
by the Pan American Health Organization to prevent the cholera outbreak as
happened in Haiti.

Health authorities will mobilize some 80 health centers, 68 ambulances and
13 ambulance ships for the campaign. The health ministry also deployed 234
health inspectors for environmental sanity, food safety and water quality
control and health promotion. Authorities would also fumigate celebration
venues and other public places.

The government also urged the people to adopt good hygiene habits, such as
washing hands as well as washing fruits and vegetables before eating them.

Last week, Panama issued a yellow sanitary alert to avoid the spread of
cholera via its main airports and maritime ports.


Evo: Castro aconsejo ir tras camino de Chavez

Martes, 2 de Noviembre de 2010

El presidente Evo Morales informo que pidio al ex presidente de Cuba,
Fidel Castro, en una de las reuniones que sostuvieron, que le diga como
organizar una revolucion y las guerrillas. Anadio que la respuesta fue que
hoy la revolucion es democratica.

"Queria que (Castro) me diga como se hace la revolucion, como se organiza
la revolucion, como se organiza las guerrillas, y me dijo, ahora hay que
hacer lo que hizo el companero Hugo Chavez, revolucion democratica,
revolucion con el pueblo", revelo.

"En vano espere tantas horas para que me hablara sobre como se levanta las
armas", anadio, durante su discurso en la presentacion de un libro escrito
por Castro sobre la revolucion cubana.

Cuba Hosts Int'l Trade Fair

> Xinhua: "Cuba Hosts Int'l Trade Fair" - Xinhua


> Tuesday November 2, 2010 01:08:38 GMT

> HAVANA, Nov.1 (Xinhua) -- More than 400 companies from 58 countries
attended the 28th International Trade Fair of Havana, which opened here


> The week-long event is aimed at promoting Cuba's exports and
strengthening the position of its products in the international
market.Spain attended the fair with the largest delegation, followed by
Canada, China, Italy, Panama, Venezuela and Brazil, an indication of the
growing interest in the Cuban market.China is represented by more than 30
companies covering electronic, biotechnology and energy
industries.Companies of the European Union, after years of absence,
attended this year's fair.The participating Cuban companies are mainly
from health, information technolog y and communications sectors.The event
is part of Cuba's efforts to ease the impact of the global financial
crisis through export promotion.(Description of Source: Beijing Xinhua in
English -- China's official news service for English-language audiences
(New China News Agency))


> Material in the World News Connection is generally copyrighted by the
source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
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Cuba to release longest-held political prisoner

HAVANA | Mon Nov 1, 2010 4:59pm EDT
(Reuters) - Cuba will free its longest-held political prisoner, jailed
since 1985, and send him to Spain as the government continues to ship
opponents out of the country.

The Catholic Church said on Monday that Cuba had agreed to release three
more prisoners, including Adrian Alvarez, 44, who has been serving a
30-year sentence for stealing rifles while in the Cuban military.

He was allegedly taking the weapons with plans to launch a military action
against the government.

The three prisoners were not included among 52 that Cuban officials agreed
to let go in a July deal with the church.

So far, 39 of those original 52 have been released, and most of those
still behind bars are said to be resisting the government's demand that
they go to Spain.

In the meantime, Cuba has agreed to release 11 other prisoners, bringing
to 50 the total number freed since July.

The releases have relaxed international pressure on Cuba that followed the
February death of jailed dissident Orlando Zapata Tamayo, who died during
a hunger strike for improved prison conditions.

Cuban President Raul Castro is said to want to free all political
prisoners to end one of Cuba's longstanding problems with the
international community.

The Cuban Commission for Human Rights has said there are about 100
political prisoners behind bars.

Cuba and Spain Strengthen Commercial Relations
HAVANA, Cuba, Nov 1 (acn) commercial relations between Cuba and Spain show
a positive
development since the beginning of 2010, after a serious drop in 2009 as a
consequence of the
world economic crisis.

Cuban News Agency

Manuel Cacho, Spain's ambassador to Havana, pointed out on Monday in this
capital, that from January to August exports from Havana increased by 6.5
percent until reaching 79 million Euros, with respect to the same period
of 2009.

While inaugurating the stand of his country at the 28thedition of Havana's
International Trade Fair (FIHAV 2010), Cacho also referred to a 7.8
increase in sales from Spain to Cuba, which reached 335 million Euros.

Antonio Carricarte, First Deputy Minister for Foreign Trade and
Investment, highlighted the European state as one of the island's main
trade partners.

Carricarte underlined the presence of over 200 Spanish entities in Cuba,
which offer a variety of products, raw material and services, present in
21 sectors of the national economy.

With an exhibition area of some 1,700 square meters and the participation
of 75 companies, Spain is the country with the largest amount of
representatives in FIHAV 2010, under way at Havana's Expocuba Exhibition
Pavilion until Saturday, and that constitutes the most important business
event of the island.

Union Europea busca lograr un acuerdo de cooperacion con Cuba
En relacion a Venezuela, la jefa de la diplomacia espanola dijo que el
Gobierno ya ha solicitado la extradicion del etarra Arturo Cubillas,
deportado a este pais en 1989, y ahora sera el Ejecutivo venezolano quien
debe pronunciarse, "teniendo en cuenta que Cubillas tiene la doble
nacionalidad, espanola y venezolana".
martes 2 de noviembre de 2010 07:03 AM
Madrid.- El "objetivo final" de los contactos politicos entre la Union
Europea (UE) y las autoridades cubanas es concluir con "un acuerdo de
cooperacion simplificado", dijo hoy la ministra espanola de Asuntos
Exteriores, Trinidad Jimenez.

En una entrevista al canal publico Television Espanola (TVE), Jimenez
destaco como un "paso muy importante" el hecho de que, por primera vez,
los Veintisiete hayan encargado a la jefa de la diplomacia europea,
Catherine Ashton, que establezca contactos politicos con Cuba para avanzar
en una relacion bilateral, informo Efe.

Supone, ademas, la superacion de unas relaciones marcadas por el
unilateralismo, anadio.

La UE acordo en octubre pasado establecer contactos politicos con Cuba y
comenzar a explorar vias para un nuevo acercamiento a la isla, lo que
supera, aunque no revoca, por ahora la Posicion Comun, que condiciona las
relaciones de los Veintisiete con la isla a los avances en derechos
humanos y democratizacion.

Espana y otros paises defendian poner fin a esa politica, vigente desde
1996 y que ha sido siempre rechazada por el Gobierno cubano, y avanzar
hacia una relacion bilateral, algo a lo que se oponen otros socios como
Suecia y Alemania.

En relacion a Venezuela, la jefa de la diplomacia espanola dijo que el
Gobierno ya ha solicitado la extradicion del etarra Arturo Cubillas,
deportado a este pais en 1989, y ahora sera el Ejecutivo venezolano quien
debe pronunciarse, "teniendo en cuenta que Cubillas tiene la doble
nacionalidad, espanola y venezolana".

En este sentido, Jimenez indico que el Gobierno espanol esta trabajando
permanentemente, con todos los paises, para conseguir "una mayor y mejor
colaboracion" en la lucha antiterrorista y confia en la respuesta de

Recordo, asimismo, que la politica del Gobierno espanol en materia
antiterrorista no ha variado "ni un apice" y la determinacion del
Ejecutivo es firme: acabar con ETA y un comunicado de la organizacion
terrorista en el que diga que abandona las armas.

Dominican Republic

- 2 November 2010, 9:22 AM Text size: Smaller Bigger
Dominican Republic's prime tourist region fears growing Haitian influx
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10:39 AM

In Altagracia.
Picture 1 of 2
Previous Next Zoom Picture
HIGUEY, Dominican Republic.- Arriving in the town Friuza, in the
Bavaro-Punta Cana region seems like visiting a slum in neighboring Haiti,
an impression boosted at 6 a.m., when most of the Haitians head to work,
and near 5 p.m. when they return to their rickety shacks.

The scene is repeated in nearby Veron and other sectors where "Little
Haitis" have sprung up, while buses crowded with Haitians ply the routes
for those who work and wander about without any migratory or health

The most dramatic scent however is the now famous Hoyo de Friuza (hole)
and the adjacent Mata Mosquito, where barracks type houses lodge as many
as 40 Haitians squeezed together.

The construction industry provides work for most of the illegal
immigrants, where is normal to find hundreds of Haitians in a major

In the morning it is common to see up to 300 Haitians hoping to find a
ride on the highways.

The Haitian presence is so prevalent that radio stations in the zone now
air music in Creole, and in places such as La Loma, in Higuey, already
have discos and colmados exclusively for them.

The "Haitian invasion" alarms hoteliers, civil society, business and
community leaders in province Altagracia, describe who it as and criticize
that the Direction the Immigration Agency's lack of controls.

"It is a very delicate situation. Our first problem is that Immigration
department doesn't work here," says Eastern Zone Hotels and Tourism
Projects Association president Ernesto Veloz. He fears that the Haitians'
massive and disorderly presence and their diseases may damage the region's

The economist Ruben Dario Castillo blames the hoteliers for the massive
presence, affirming that they hire Haitians but pay them a "wage of
misery," adding that they are overcrowding barrios of Higuey where they
also take part in crimes.

The bishop Nicanor Pena said Immigration must establish controls on
Haitian immigration and other foreigners, respecting their human rights.

The community leader Julio C. Cedano slammed the Government's policy on
the issue, calling it the Immigration Agency's lack of action.

"It's a massive invasion. Haiti has moved here, you go through streets
that are more Haitians than Dominican and Immigration doesn't exist, none
(Immigration director) Sigfrido Pared has never come this way. He's
everybody is like a renegade goat and that's harmful for tourism."

2 November 2010, 8:37 AM Text size: Smaller Bigger
Energy czar, senators to eye review of electricity contracts
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9:04 AM

Celso Marranzini in the meeting yesterday.
Zoom Picture
Santo Domingo.- At 11 a.m. Wednesday the CEO of the State-Owned Power
Companies (CDEEE) will state his position in the Senate, into the
rescission of the energy generation contracts between the Government and

Celso Marranzini and the Senate Energy Commission will review the
contracts that some say harm Dominican Republic's interests, and which
various sectors call a vital step to improve the system.

In a related development, the official met yesterday with representatives
of the power companies AES Dominicana, Ege-Haina, Seaboard, CPP and CESPM,
to coordinate a contingency plan regarding Tropical Storm Tomas, whose
effects began to be felt early Monday in la country's southern coast.

Economia de Republica Dominicana en plena expansion: FMI
01 de Noviembre de 2010 o 16:26hs
SANTO DOMINGO (Reuters) - La economia de Republica Dominicana se ha
recuperado y se encuentra en "plena expansion", dijo una mision del Fondo
Monetario Internacional, que ademas califico de "moderado" el nivel de la
deuda publica del pais.
Alejandro Santos, jefe de la mision, dijo que el FMI ve con buenos ojos el
repunte de la actividad economica, en medio de una inflacion controlada y
que se ubica por debajo de las expectativas del banco central.
El funcionario se mostro satisfecho ademas por la evolucion del deficit
del sector publico.
"Uno diria que el nivel de endeudamiento de Republica Dominicana es
moderado, pues en la region se observan niveles de endeudamiento mucho mas
elevados (...) estamos hablando de un nivel de endeudamiento de alrededor
de 35 por ciento del PIB", aseguro.
"Cabe mencionar que ha sido moderado, lo que ha podido hacer que las
autoridades pudiesen aspirar a tener una politica fiscal expansiva, que
fue lo que se hizo a finales del ano pasado y en la primera mitad de este
ano, y lo que ha hecho que una economia muy debil en el 2009 se haya
podido recuperar y este en plena expansion", agrego.
Segun el programa stand-by del FMI con Republica Dominicana, se estima un
superavit primario de un 2 por ciento del PIB para este ano y de un 1 por
ciento para el 2011.
Junto con las revisiones aprobadas anteriormente, el FMI ha desembolsado
unos 250 millones de dolares, de los 1.700 millones de dolares
mas noticias de economia >>

1 November 2010, 4:00 PM Text size: Smaller Bigger
Dominican Government to get US$117M more on revision of IMF pact
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9:12 PM

IMF headquarters.
Zoom Picture
SANTO DOMINGO.- The Economy Minister announced on Monday that Dominican
Government officials began the fourth revision in the Stand-By Agreement
with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Temistocles Montas, after the meeting between the officials and IMF
representatives, said the revision would allow the Government to obtain an
additional disbursem*nt of more than 117 million dollars, of a line of
credit of US$1.72 billion approved in November 2009.

In that regard the IMF representative in the country, Alejandro Santos
affirmed that Dominican Republic's foreign debt has been moderate and only
reaches 35% of the Gross Domestic Product, when in other countries in the
region, such as Jamaica, exceeds 40%.

Santos however called on the Government to discontinue accruing further
debts, and noted that so far it has been rational and still allows
continued economic growth.

He added that the electrical subsidy must be reviewed to benefit the
people who really need it and not those who can pay for it.


OAS Reviews Haiti Elections

CMC Headline: "OAS Reviews Haiti Elections" - CMC

Monday November 1, 2010 22:43:19 GMT

"We have to be realistic and pragmatic about the situation on the ground,"
Ramdin said. "Under the present circ*mstances, Haitian authorities,
supported by the international community, are working hard to ensure that
Haitians are able to exercise their right to vote, their right to elect a
new President," he added. Responding to reporters' questions about the
expectations for voter turn-out, Ramdin said Haitians, in past elections,
have demonstrated "strong commitment to democracy and high turn-out for
the Presidential elections."

"Of course we hope that we will see that again," he said. Nineteen
candidates are contesting the Presidential Elections, with some 4.7
million adult Haitians registered to vote. The Chief of the Joint
OAS-Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Electoral Observation Mission in Haiti,
Colin Granderson, said, in spite of the challenges, there is a "definite
dynamic" heading into the elections. "The Haitian electorate is
benefiting, more parties are engaging, and the boycotting front is
crumbling," Granderson said here.

He pointed out that one of the challenges following the earthquake was the
number of deaths that have not been recorded. "Names cannot be removed
from the electoral list without a death certificate. Hundreds of bodies
were never identified," he said. Yet, Granderson is confident that
adequate safeguards have been put in place for the vote. "ID cards, the
use of indelible ink and other systems have been developed to deal with
proper voter identification," he said.

On reconstruction efforts, internationally-renowned structural engineer,
Kit Miyamoto, expressed confidence in the ability of Haitian nationals to
push the rebuilding efforts forward. Miyamoto admitted that there was
significant work to be done, but insisted that "change could be achieved
in one year, with adequate political support from a new president."

(Description of Source: Bridgetown CMC in English -- regional news service
run by the Caribbean Media Corporation)

Material in the World News Connection is generally copyrighted by the
source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of

UN helping Haiti to prepare for impending hurricane

PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti - The United Nations peacekeeping mission in Haiti
is preparing to help up to half a million people in the impoverished
Caribbean nation who could potentially be affected by Hurricane Tomas.

Over the last 24 hours, the mission, known as MINUSTAH, along with the
Haitian Government and relief partners, have joined forces to initiate
contingency plans, mobilize stocks and identify gaps as the hurricane
approaches, on top of managing the continuing response to the cholera
epidemic and the devastating January earthquake.

"This storm could not have come at a more difficult time," said Nigel
Fisher, UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Haiti. "Although we have made some
extensive preparations and prepositioned stocks across the country, some
crucial supplies have been badly depleted by ongoing needs, particularly
the response to the ongoing cholera epidemic."

As of last week, the Haitian health ministry has confirmed 4,649
hospitalizations and 305 deaths due to cholera, with cases having been
confirmed in three of the country's 10 departments.

Mr. Fisher said that the UN is scaling up distributions in camps and
sending truckloads of supplies down to Haiti's southern coast, "but we
must now race to mobilize everything else we need."

Priority needs include 150,000 tarpaulins, 90,000 cases of soap and
hygiene kits, 20,000 sachets of oral rehydration salts to treat cholera
and 200 field tents, as well as logistics support.

Mr. Fisher underlined the need for as many supplies as possible to be in
place as possible before Hurricane Tomas hits. "With our Haitian
counterparts, we are appealing to donors, to organizations in the region
and to humanitarian partners to help us get what we need in time."

Preparations for the hurricane's arrival began over the weekend, with
tarpaulins being moved from Panama and all-terrain trucks with enough fuel
to be self-sufficient for 7 days in anticipation of roads being cut off
were dispatched to key hubs along the southern coastline.

There is a shortage of some stocks, according to the UN Office for the
Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), as a result of the cholera
epidemic and shelter needs.

In the capital, Port-au-Prince, where people in camps are very vulnerable
to both wind and rain, all rope and tarpaulin stocks have been mobilized
to help residents tie down their property, while information campaigns
have been scaled up to raise awareness of the need to prepare for the

"This storm is approaching at a time when aid agencies in Haiti are
already stretched to the limit," Mr. Fisher stressed.

"As well as preparing for a large-scale hurricane response, we must
continue to do all we can to help people across the country protect
themselves against cholera - an of course to continue responding to the
ongoing needs of earthquake survivors," he said, adding that the
humanitarian challenges involved in the three simultaneous operations -
responding to the earthquake, cholera outbreak and impending hurricane -
are among the worst he has seen in his entire career.


Araceli Santos
T: 512-996-9108
F: 512-744-4334

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