Indian Style Baked Tofu Recipe | Eggless Cooking (2024)

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Indian Style Baked Tofu Recipe | Eggless Cooking (2)

Baked Tofu: Next to cauliflower and broccoli, tofu is my husband’s favorite. I’m in the constant look out for tofu recipes. Actually he would eat anything vegetarian if it’s healthy. For me the criteria is, it has to taste good. So I experiment with tofu recipes to satisfy both our needs.

So far our favorite is tofu paratha. I drain the tofu well, grate it, add some Indian spices and divide the mixture into small balls. Then proceed to prepare the parathas as usual, using the tofu stuffing.

The Tofu Mango Pudding did not get his vote. The truth is he is not a “dessert” person. My son, my mother and I loved it very much.

Paneer is my most favorite and his least favorite. He doesn’t eat it because of the fat content and caloric value. I wish I have the self control like him, I would be 30 pounds lighter! Because he doesn’t eat paneer and I love dishes made with paneer I try to make tofu recipes Indian style. Over the years have tried a variety of Indian tofu recipes substituting tofu for paneer.

The key is to use extra-firm tofu so that it would hold it’s shape. Also draining the water is a crucial step. Another important procedure is marinating the tofu with spices and herbs for it to soak the taste and flavor in few Indian tofu recipes. Once these three are taken care, you can prepare almost any recipe using paneer with tofu in Indian style. Tofu sides, tofu snacks, tofu desert, you name it you can make it.

Recently I was going through a South Indian cookbook and found a recipe for paneer tikkis. The original recipe mentioned to grill it in a convection microwave oven. Of course I had to use tofu and because I did not have that sort of microwave oven I had to use my regular oven to make this baked tofu recipe. I also mixed up some spices that I had in my kitchen counter and this baked tofu Indian style turned out very tasty.

Want to make something similar? A healthy, quick, no fuss snack? Then try this baked chickpeas recipe too.

Indian Style Baked Tofu Recipe | Eggless Cooking (3)


Prep TimeCook TimeMakes
1 Hr40 Mins32 Pieces

Indian Style Baked Tofu Recipe | Eggless Cooking (4)

4.9 from 11 reviews

Want to try tofu recipe Indian style? This baked tofu recipe is a good one to try. With a blend of flavourful Indian spices, marinating it enough, helps the tofu to soak up the flavour and the result is this delicious baked tofu.


  • 1 Packet (14Oz) Extra Firm Tofu

For The Marinade:

  • 3 Tablespoons Oil
  • 1 Tablespoon Curry Powder
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Red Chili Powder
  • A Pinch Turmeric Powder
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Salt (As Per Your Taste)
  • Juice Of 1/2 Lemon Lemon Juice
  • As Needed Red Food Color (Optional)


  1. Open the tofu packet and drain the water. Wrap the tofu in paper towels and place some weight on it and leave it for 30 minutes. After draining the water cut the tofu into cubes of 1cm thickness. I got around 20 pieces.
  2. Take a 1 gallon ziploc bag and add all the ingredients required for the marinade in the bag.
  3. Whisk it with a fork and add the tofu cubes in the bag. Remove the air out and close the bag and toss it well to coat all the tofu pieces with the marinade.
  4. Leave it in the fridge for 30-45 minutes.
  5. Meanwhile preheat the oven at 425F/220C for 15 minutes.
  6. Grease a baking sheet lightly, place the tofu pieces and bake it for 25-30 minutes, turning once in the middle.
  7. To have a crispy outer, broil it for another 8-10 minutes.


  1. We don’t eat very spicy foods. So taste the marinade to check the spices and add accordingly to suit your taste. Since tofu is bland, it definitely requires more seasoning than you would normally use.

My Notes:

  1. If you are a paneer fan like me you are not going to like the tofu tikkis immediately. For those who have not tasted tofu before, though they both look alike, the taste is totally different. So don’t expect the taste of paneer tikka. Try to appreciate the taste of tofu and then you would love it. After eating 3-4 pieces, I started liking it. Now this is my husband’s favorite.
  2. The marinading can be done in a bowl too. I saw the ziploc bag method in Food TV, so I thought of giving it a try. It’s definitely easy and no clean up. Simply toss the bag in the trash later.

Indian Style Baked Tofu Recipe | Eggless Cooking (6)

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Indian Style Baked Tofu Recipe | Eggless Cooking (7)
Indian Style Baked Tofu Recipe | Eggless Cooking (2024)


Why is my baked tofu not crispy? ›

Why won't my tofu get crisp? This could likely be a result of not drying out the tofu enough to drain out the extra moisture. It's also possible that your oven temperature is not hot enough. Make sure it's preheated and heat the pan in the oven for extra crispness.

What is the secret to cooking tofu? ›

Press it. Tofu contains a lot of water, and you'll want to squeeze most of it out, especially if you're baking, grilling, or frying it. I recommend using a tofu press to do this, because it gives the tofu a delicious chewy texture and makes cleanup a breeze. But having one isn't necessary.

How long does tofu take to cook? ›

Heat vegetable oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high. Add the tofu to the pan, making sure not to overcrowd the pan (otherwise it'll steam). Cook the tofu until golden brown, 3 to 4 minutes per side.

Should tofu be fried before adding to curry? ›

If you want a tastier tofu, you can fry it before adding it to the curry. Follow our fried tofu recipe and stir it in the curry before serving it. Our recipe for fried tofu is easy, and you can make it in less than 15 minutes while the curry simmers.

Why is my baked tofu rubbery? ›

Why does tofu get rubbery? Because it was probably overcooked, it was probably exposed to too much heat. I don't know if it was roasted baked air fried or sauteed, but when it becomes, uh, overcooked, it's gonna get very, very tough.

What to use instead of cornstarch for crispy tofu? ›

6 Cornstarch Substitutes for All Your Cooking and Baking Needs
  1. Potato Starch. Potato starch is the cornstarch substitute favorite of associate food editor Kendra Vaculin. ...
  2. Rice Flour. ...
  3. All-Purpose Flour. ...
  4. Tapioca Flour. ...
  5. Arrowroot Powder. ...
  6. Xanthan Gum.
Jun 13, 2022

What not to mix with tofu? ›

What to not serve with tofu? According to studies, a high volume consumption of tofu and spinach together can increase your risk of kidney stones. Tofu and spinach contain calcium and oxalic acid respectively and the combined can form kidney stones.

What is the tastiest way to make tofu? ›

Press tofu and cube it. Coat it in garlic, black pepper, salt (plus more of your favourite seasonings), liquid aminos and some olive oil. Then mix it into some cornstarch and toss it all together, then bake for about 20 minutes. Cornstarch also helps to draw out excess moisture so it really gets the tofu crispy.

Is it better to fry or bake tofu? ›

It sticks, and the crispy bits end up sticking to the pan, which is a tofu tragedy. Plus, it requires more oil, and you don't need to use a lot of oil to get crispy tofu. When you bake your tofu, you give it time to develop crispy edges and warm, pillowy insides. It's simply the best.

How to tell if tofu is cooked? ›

Allow tofu to cook, undisturbed for about 4-5 minutes or until the underside is golden brown and crispy. Step 2: Flip the tofu pieces and season the cooked side with salt. Allow the second side to cook for an additional 4 minutes or until the second side is golden brown and crispy.

What happens if you don't drain tofu before cooking? ›

Here's the thing: even though tofu might be labeled firm or extra-firm, it contains a lot of water. This excess water can cause the tofu to crumble when you cook it, and it will also have a hard time crisping up. But when you press tofu, you remove the excess moisture.

What happens if you don't press tofu before cooking? ›

And if tofu is vacuumed packed or firm already, you definitely don't need to press it. Here's why: moisture in tofu is a good thing. Tofu is over 80% water, and that moisture is what makes it such a succulent, juicy source of protein. Pressing it can make the tofu unnecessarily dry and strip it of its intended texture.

How to cook tofu for beginners? ›

Heat a large oven-safe metal or cast iron skillet over medium heat. Once hot, add the oil and the seasoned tofu. Sauté for 5 minutes, shaking/flipping occasionally to cook on all sides, until tofu has a slight crust on each side and has begun to brown.

Do you have to marinate tofu before cooking? ›

Tofu has very little flavour itself but soaks up almost every flavour you add to it. When you put tofu in a stew or simmer it in a broth, you don't need to marinade it beforehand, as it absorbs all of the flavours during cooking. But for all other types of preparations, it's better to marinate the tofu first of all.

Why boil tofu before frying? ›

A quick dunk in boiling salted water will give this protein a new lease on life.

How do you bake tofu to dry it out? ›

Arrange tofu on a lightly greased or parchment-lined baking sheet to prevent sticking and bake for a total of 25-35 minutes, flipping once halfway through to ensure even cooking. This will dry out the tofu and help give it a more meat-like texture. If you want a tougher texture, cook it for 30-35.

How to fix soggy tofu? ›

Put a weight — a plate will be just fine — on the tofu. Leave it there for 15–30 minutes. You will see a big pool of water squeezed out. The tofu will now have a lot less water in it, and may pan-fry much better.

How do you cook tofu so it's not mushy? ›

Preheat your pan before adding the fat (the test kitchen likes vegetable and olive oils) and tofu, and don't crowd the pan. Adding too much tofu at once will cause the surface temperature of the pan to drop, meaning soggy, not crunchy tofu.

How do you keep crispy tofu crispy? ›

Using a batter for the tofu ensures that it stays crispy even after getting tossed in sauce. Cooking each component of the stir fry in stages and combining them at the end facilitates even cooking and browning.


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

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Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.