Homemade Tortillas (Soft Flour Tortilla Recipe) - Eats Delightful (2024)

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Forget store bought tortillas, and make your own with this flour tortilla recipe. This homemade tortilla recipe can be easily doubled or tripled if you wanted to make larger batches. They freeze perfectly!

Tortillas were one of the first types of bread I learned how to make just because of how easy it is. After making tortillas a couple of times, I slowly worked my way up to more complicated breads. So this is a great beginner's bread recipe to learn from!

If you're new to bread making, this is a great recipe to start with for a couple of reasons.

1) You don't need yeast. Yeast gives you a great piece of bread, but it can be very temperamental and takes a while to relax and rise.
2) This recipe is easy to follow and quite quick. No rise times needed my friends! All you need to do is rest your dough so it's easier to roll out.
3) And even if something goes wrong while making tortillas, you can probably hide it by frying up the evidence and making some flour tortilla chips. A delicious mistake!

These tortillas are made without lard or animal fat, so they're 100% vegan! Lard isn't an ingredient that I like to keep on hand just because I never use it.

I've also tried making tortillas with butter, but I find that butter doesn't give the tortilla as much softness and fold-ability as the vegetable oil. (Is fold-ability a word...?) The softness you get from the vegetable oil is what I think makes this the best tortilla recipe.

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  • Homemade Flour Tortilla Recipe

How to make tortillas:

To start making your tortilla dough, combine flour, salt, and baking powder in a large bowl. Whisk to combine.

Add your vegetable oil and warm water to the dry ingredients. Mix everything together until it starts to come together. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface. Knead the dough until it's smooth and soft (about 2 minutes).

Homemade Tortillas (Soft Flour Tortilla Recipe) - Eats Delightful (1)
Homemade Tortillas (Soft Flour Tortilla Recipe) - Eats Delightful (2)

Cut the dough into 8 even pieces. Roll and shape your pieces into smooth balls. Cover the pieces of dough and let them rest for at least 15 minutes at room temperature to make rolling the dough out easier.

Homemade Tortillas (Soft Flour Tortilla Recipe) - Eats Delightful (3)
Homemade Tortillas (Soft Flour Tortilla Recipe) - Eats Delightful (4)

Once your dough has rested, roll your pieces of dough into thin tortillas. I like to roll my dough out until it's under an ⅛ inch thick and about 5 inches in diameter. You want these paper thin!

Homemade Tortillas (Soft Flour Tortilla Recipe) - Eats Delightful (5)

Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Add your first tortilla and cook for about 1 to 2 minutes on the first side. You'll know it's time to flip when you start to see some bubbles forming on the top of your tortilla, and the bottom should have golden brown spots.

Homemade Tortillas (Soft Flour Tortilla Recipe) - Eats Delightful (6)
Homemade Tortillas (Soft Flour Tortilla Recipe) - Eats Delightful (7)

After your tortilla is cooked, transfer it into a tortilla keeper or a plate lined with a tea towel. Cover your tortillas with either another tea towel or lid. It's very important to keep your tortillas covered until right before you plan on eating them, otherwise they'll dry out and harden.

Repeat cooking until all of your tortillas are done.

Enjoy! Tortillas are best served fresh and warm.

Difficulty rolling out dough:

If you're trying to roll out your tortillas and you find the dough starts springing back and shrinking on you, it usually just means the dough needs to rest. Letting your dough rest helps relax the gluten in it, which makes it easier to roll out.

Whenever your dough starts to give you trouble, try covering it and letting it sit for 5 to 10 minutes. You should be able to roll it out no problem after that.

How to store tortillas:

Like I mentioned above, tortillas should be covered until right before you plan on serving them (to prevent drying out).

If you don't finish all of your tortillas while they're still warm, transfer them to an airtight container or plastic bag after they've cooled completely to help preserve their freshness. Seal well, making sure to push out as much air as you can if you're using a plastic bag.

Tortillas will keep well at room temperature for up to 2 days. If you don't plan on having them before then, tortillas also freeze very well!

How to freeze tortillas:

To freeze these flour tortillas, let the tortillas cool completely then transfer them to a freezer bag. Push out as much air as you can from the bag and seal. Freeze tortillas for up to 3 months.

To defrost frozen tortillas, set them out at room temperature for a few hours or in the fridge overnight to thaw. Before serving, I also like to warm the frozen tortillas in a skillet over medium heat for about a minute on each side, just to make them pliable and soft again.

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Homemade Tortillas (Soft Flour Tortilla Recipe) - Eats Delightful (8)

Homemade Flour Tortilla Recipe

Forget store bought tortillas, and make your own with this flour tortilla recipe. This homemade tortilla recipe can be easily doubled or tripled if you wanted to make larger batches, and they freeze perfectly!

4.96 from 49 votes

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Prep Time: 10 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes minutes

Total Time: 45 minutes minutes

Servings: 8 medium tortillas

Author: Mimi


  • 1 & ½ cups (180g) all-purpose flour, spoon and leveled
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 & ½ teaspoons baking powder
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • ½ cup (120mL) warm water


  • In a large mixing bowl, combine flour, salt, and baking powder. Whisk to combine.

  • Add vegetable oil and warm water to the dry ingredients. Mix until the dough starts to come together into a ball. Turn the dough onto a lightly floured work surface and knead until it becomes smooth and soft (about 1 to 2 minutes).

  • Divide and shape the dough into 8 even balls. Cover and let the balls rest for 15-20 minutes.

  • On a lightly floured surface, roll each ball of dough out until it's very thin (under ⅛ inch). Heat a large skillet over medium-low heat. Place on tortilla into the skillet and cook for about 1 to 2 minutes on the first side. You'll know it's time to flip once the bottom has golden brown spots and the top starts to bubble and puff up.

  • Flip your dough and cook the other side until you start to see golden spots (about 30 seconds). Take the tortilla out of your skillet and place it on a tea towel lined plate or a tortilla keeper. Cover the dough with a tea towel or lid to prevent it from drying out.

  • Repeat the cooking and covering process with your remaining dough. Make sure you leave your tortillas tightly covered until you're just ready to serve to prevent having them dry out.

    Tortillas are best served fresh and warm.


Tried this recipe?Tag me @eatsdelightfulblog or use #eatsdelightful! I love seeing what you're baking!


Homemade Tortillas (Soft Flour Tortilla Recipe) - Eats Delightful (2024)


How do you make soft tortillas taste better? ›

10 Tips For Making Store-Bought Tortillas Taste Restaurant...
  1. Char them. ...
  2. Toast them in the oven. ...
  3. Fry them. ...
  4. Add water before warming. ...
  5. Steam them to keep them moist. ...
  6. Heat flour tortillas in butter. ...
  7. If you must use a microwave, wrap tortillas in plastic or a damp towel. ...
  8. Heat in large batches in the oven.
Jul 10, 2023

Why do my homemade flour tortillas come out hard? ›

Adding too much flour to knead or to roll out the tortillas will also create hard and dry tortillas.

Why aren't my homemade tortillas soft? ›

If your tortillas are not soft there can be several reasons: You did not use all purpose flour. You did not use a cast iron pan. Your pan was not hot enough.

How do you soften homemade flour tortillas? ›

Fresh homemade flour tortillas are in their softest state when warm so if you have room temperature or cold tortillas, we recommend reheating them in a skillet until they are warm and pliable again.

How to make tortillas more pliable? ›

Wrap a stack of tortillas in damp paper towels or a damp kitchen towel, then wrap in plastic wrap or place in a microwave-safe resealable plastic bag (keep the bag open to vent). Microwave until warm and flexible, about 1 minute.

What does baking powder do to tortillas? ›

Baking powder: Baking powder acts as a leavener, giving the tortillas a slightly pillowy texture. Salt: Salt enhances the overall flavor of the flour tortillas. Lard: Lard, a common baking ingredient in Mexican cuisine, adds flavor and helps create the perfect flour tortilla texture.

What to use instead of lard in flour tortillas? ›

Although traditionally made with lard, these tortillas are equally delicious using butter, shortening, or vegetable oil as the fat. If you choose to use oil, add it with the water in step 3. The resting period improves the texture of the dough by giving the flour time to absorb the water.

Why do you dip tortillas in water? ›

You could set up a steamer, but much faster is to simply dip the tortilla in water and toss it straight on a hot surface. As the surface moisture evaporates, it steams the tortilla until it's soft all the way through. Meanwhile, the hot contact with the pan gives it some nice toasty browned spots.

How long to let tortilla dough rest? ›

Pro Tip: Resting for at least 15 minutes relaxes the gluten so you can roll them out into smooth discs of deliciousness. Once the dough has rested (don't skip this step!!), you are ready to roll the tortillas out and to cook them.

Can you leave flour tortilla dough overnight? ›

Some tortilla makers cover their dough and rest it overnight in the fridge, making it even easier to work with. There are a few reasons why this is so critical. It allows the dough to thoroughly and evenly hydrate, creating a consistent mix that cooks the same way every time.

Do you put baking soda or baking powder in tortillas? ›

Some flour tortilla recipes call for baking powder. Some don't. It acts as a leavening agent, giving the tortillas a little bit of puffy volume. Sans baking soda, it would be a much flatter tortilla.

Why are my homemade tortillas not flexible? ›

The kind of flour you use is very important. You should use all-purpose, but if need be you could substitute it with bread flour although Simply Homemade Bread warns that kneading will become a bit more complicated. Additionally, all-purpose flour develops more gluten which will make your tortillas more flexible.

Why don t my homemade tortillas puff up? ›

Compression, compression, compression.

You don't want a tortilla that's too thick — the steam won't rise under the weight of too much masa! A very thin tortilla will also be susceptible to tearing, which will sabotage your chance at a puff.

Should you knead tortilla dough? ›

Whether you're crafting soft flour tortillas or hearty corn tortillas, the key to achieving the perfect consistency lies in the art of kneading the dough. Kneading is a crucial step that helps develop the gluten in the dough, resulting in tender, pliable tortillas.

Why are my tortillas hard after cooking? ›

If you overcook them, the tortillas will become hard, but you also don't want to undercook the dough. As a safety net, you can place your tortillas in tin foil to let them gently continue to cook after you've removed them (via Baking Needs).

How to make store-bought tortillas soft and stretchy? ›

Stick them in a bag with a damp paper towel and microwave for a minute, or use a steamer basket. Option 2. Gently heat them in a *dry* pan if you want to make tacos or a burrito. Will help to make them pliable, doubly so if you're using store-bought corn tortillas instead of flour.

How do restaurants get corn tortillas soft? ›

The oily texture is from the oil. The normal way to heat corn tortillas for tacos, to make them soft and foldable without weakening them, is to briefly heat them on an oiled flattop grill. The darkness comes partially from having oil on them, and partially from the type of corn used.


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