Everything You Need to Know About the 2025 New Refrigerant Transition (2024)

Navigating the Shift to R-454B & R-32 for a More Sustainable Future

At Lennox, you can count on us to make decisions that are good for homeowners and good for the environment. That’s why we’ve updated our entire product lineup for 2025 to use more environmentally friendly refrigerants. This transition is part of the ongoing Lennox commitment to providing the most innovative HVAC systems that maximize comfort and efficiency while minimizing environmental impact.

Understanding the Transition to New Refrigerants

The 2025 refrigerant transition refers to the new regulations requiring the use of more environmentally friendly refrigerants in HVAC systems. The aim is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ozone depletion. Older refrigerants like R-410A are being phased out and replaced with newer, more sustainable options like R-454B and R-32. The new Lennox product lineup will include both refrigerant options, R-454B for our whole-home, ducted solutions and R-32 for our ductless options.

More specifically, in 2020, as part of a global agreement to reduce greenhouse gasses, the American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act gave the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) authority to regulate hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and begin the phase down of refrigerants with high HFCs by 2036.To help achieve this goal, the EPA mandated that manufacturers switch to an alternate refrigerant with a global warming potential (GWP) of 700 or less by 2025.

Everything You Need to Know About the 2025 New Refrigerant Transition (1)

The Importance of New Refrigerants

The 2025 refrigerant transition is necessary to meet international environmental standards and regulations aimed at reducing the impact of HVAC systems on climate change and ozone depletion. This change is similar to the 1990s Montreal Protocol, which successfully phased out the production and consumption of harmful chemicals to protect the ozone layer.

Similar transitions have occurred in other industries, including refrigerators and cars. If you've replaced your car with a more recent model after 2013 or bought a new refrigerator in the last few years, those are likely using low GWP refrigerants.

Impact on Current HVAC Systems

If your current HVAC system uses older refrigerants like R-410A or R-22, it will not be compatible with the new refrigerants. However, existing systems can continue to be serviced and maintained with R-410A replacement units for the foreseeable future. When it’s time to replace your system, it will be a 2025 compliant system with eco-friendly refrigerant.

Repairing vs. Replacing

  1. Repair: You can continue to operate and service your existing system with the current refrigerant it uses. This is a good short-term solution if your system is relatively new or is still working efficiently. Parts and services for existing systems will remain available for the foreseeable future. However, affordability is a factor to consider; as R-410A refrigerant is being phased out, it will become less available and therefore more expensive.
  2. Replace: When it’s time for a replacement, you can invest in a new HVAC system that uses the new, more environmentally friendly refrigerants. This option is a long-term investment in your home, as newer Lennox systems are environmentally friendly resulting in a reduced carbon footprint. Additionally, the Lennox 2025 compliant systems come with advanced technologies and features that can enhance your comfort and the overall value of your home. Last, these new compliant systems have rebates and incentives tied to their energy efficiency. To learn more about rebates and incentives, check out the Lennox Rebate Center.

We understand that this transition to more environmentally friendly refrigerants may bring up questions about what it means for you, your HVAC system, and the environment. Lennox is here to address your concerns and answer common questions.

Will the new refrigerants be more expensive?

With any regulatory change, new technology and components are needed to meet the updated standards and requirements. The transition to more environmentally friendly refrigerants is no different. Refrigerants will remain market priced based on supply and demand while the updated line of 2025 complaint systems will see a rise in price due to the new technology incorporated to maintain efficiency, reliability and overall system performance.

Are the new refrigerants safe?

Yes. While 2025 compliant refrigerants have an A2L classification of mildly flammable, it poses no greater risk than common household products. In fact, there is a good chance that you are already using these refrigerants in newer cars and portable air conditioners and heat pumps.

Safety standards for products are top-of–mind here at Lennox. Our equipment has been designed, tested, and certified to meet the latest standards for the more environmentally friendly refrigerants. We have also incorporated additional safety features such as a Refrigerant Detection System that will reduce the refrigerant concentration in the event of a leak. Meaning, you can rest easy knowing your system is operating safely.

Everything You Need to Know About the 2025 New Refrigerant Transition (2)

What happens if the Refrigerant Detection System detects a leak?

The updated line of 2025 complaint systems are designed to detect refrigerant leaks and will adjust the unit's operation to ensure any refrigerant has been dissipated before resuming operation. If this occurred, you would notice that the system's indoor blower is running, while your thermostat is off. If you notice any change, it's important to have a certified HVAC technician work on your system to ensure they are following regulations, repairing the correct issue and doing it safely and effectively.

How will this transition benefit me as a homeowner?

We know homeowners like you are looking for heating and cooling alternatives that reduce the carbon footprint and are better for the environment. The Lennox choices for 2025 Compliant Refrigerant R-454B for whole-home systems and R-32 for mini-splits, both have a lower GWP than the previous refrigerant and are formulated to provide excellent, reliable performance of your system for years to come.

There are also rebates and incentives you can stack together to make high efficiency systems more affordable. To learn more about your local rebates and incentives, visit the Lennox Rebate Center.

Will the transition affect the availability of parts and services for my current system?

For the foreseeable future, parts and services for existing systems using older refrigerants will remain available. HVAC dealers as well as manufacturers like Lennox, are prepared to maintain these systems even as the industry transitions to newer refrigerants.

What should I do if my HVAC system needs to be repaired or recharged?

You can still get your current system repaired and recharged with the existing refrigerant it uses. As with all your HVAC needs, it's important to have a certified HVAC technician work on your system to ensure they are following regulations, repairing the correct issue and doing it safely and effectively.

Will there be any incentives or rebates for upgrading to a new system?

Yes, depending on where you live, there may be incentives or rebates available for upgrading to a new, more efficient HVAC system. These programs vary by location, you can easily look up your potential savings at the Lennox Rebate Center.

Contact your local Lennox dealer to learn more about our updated line of 2025 compliant systems and how they can help create perfect air in your home.

Everything You Need to Know About the 2025 New Refrigerant Transition (2024)


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