Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (2024)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (1)


  • 1 Description
  • 2 Notes
  • 3 Rewards
    • 3.1 Battle Pass Reward 1 - 6
    • 3.2 Battle Pass Reward 7 - 12
    • 3.3 Battle Pass Reward 13 - 18
    • 3.4 Battle Pass Reward 19 - 24
    • 3.5 Battle Pass Reward 25 - 30
    • 3.6 Battle Pass Reward 31 - 36
    • 3.7 Battle Pass Reward 37 - 42
    • 3.8 Battle Pass Reward 43 - 48
    • 3.9 Battle Pass Reward 49 - 54
    • 3.10 Battle Pass Reward 55 - 60
  • 4 Transcript
  • 5 Gallery
  • 6 Media
  • 7 See also
  • 8 References


The Battle Pass: Age of War- Chapter 4 and its Challenges were introduced on April 2, 2024 with the free update Conan Exiles - The Age of War - Chapter 4 on PC, PS4 and Xbox.


  • This Battle Pass lasted for about 13 weeks. (April 2, 2024 - tbd)
  • To unlock the Battle Pass, a one-time investment of $9.99 is required to buy 1.200 Crom Coins. With this, the Battle Pass can be activated.
    • Those who actively play the challenges can reach level 60 in the Battle Pass over time. On the way to Level 60, you get these 1.200 Crom Coins back to unlock the next Battle Pass without having to invest money again. So if you don't spend the coins in the Bazaar in the meantime, you can activate and play through the Battle Passes again and again with the one-time fee of $9.99.
    • There are rewards in the Battle Pass that are labelled as Free. This means that even players who do not have a Battle Pass can unlock these rewards when they reach the appropriate level.
  • Basically, all unlocked Battle Pass rewards apply to both, the single player and the multiplayer. So the rewards are unlocked for the account and not only for the character.
    • But unfortunately, Funcom has decided to deliver some rewards only for the currently active Character. This item will be delivered to your character's inventory. This item can only be claimed once! So, if you are playing in both, the single and multiplayer mode, you should think carefully about which character you claim this reward with. You can unlock the reward, but you do not have to claim it right away and be careful not to press Claim all Rewards in a rush. So pay close attention to which character you want to collect this one-time reward with.


Battle Pass Reward 1 - 6[]

Battle Pass Reward 1 - 6
See now the treasures of the Stygian keep, ripe for the taking by the conquering Exiles. Victory is good. Wealth is good. And yet...
Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (3)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (4)FREEBattle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (5)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (6)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (7)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (8)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (9)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (10)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (11)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (12)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (13)

Zingaran MercenaryArmorEmblem Icon
Zingaran MercenaryWeapon RackCrom Coins x120Zingaran MercenaryCamp CarpetZingaran MercenaryRapier
Rank 1Rank 2Rank 3Rank 4Rank 5Rank 6

Battle Pass Reward 7 - 12[]

Battle Pass Reward 7 - 12
While defeat can mean death for the conquered, victory brings its own strange dangers, when one is blood-drunk and loot-hungry.
Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (14)FREEBattle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (15)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (16)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (17)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (18)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (19)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (20)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (21)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (22)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (23)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (24)

Zingaran MercenaryCamp TorchSmelted IronSiege Boulder x3Zingaran Captain's BedCrom Coins x120Wall Paint - ZingaranZingaran Soldier's Tent
Rank 7Rank 8Rank 9Rank 10Rank 11Rank 12

Battle Pass Reward 13 - 18[]

Battle Pass Reward 13 - 18
A lone Exile stares down a dark passage uncovered by the carnage, the way one might look into the mouth of a lion for an extra scrap of meat.
Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (25)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (26)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (27)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (28)FREEBattle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (29)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (30)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (31)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (32)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (33)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (34)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (35)

Zingaran CampFoundationEmblem Background
Zingaran Camp WallCrom Coins x120Remembrance TapestryZingaran MercenaryStorage Chest
Rank 13Rank 14Rank 15Rank 16Rank 17Rank 18

Battle Pass Reward 19 - 24[]

Battle Pass Reward 19 - 24
Unnoticed by his fellows, the Exile explores the mysterious cavern, impossibly older than the keep that sits atop it.
Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (36)FREEBattle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (37)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (38)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (39)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (40)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (41)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (42)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (43)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (44)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (45)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (46)

Zingaran MercenaryHorse SaddleToken of RemembranceZingaran MercenaryShieldCrom Coins x120Floor PaintEvil EyeZingaran MercenaryGreatsword
Rank 19Rank 20Rank 21Rank 22Rank 23Rank 24

Battle Pass Reward 25 - 30[]

Battle Pass Reward 25 - 30
Curiosity compels the hapless to delve into places demons fear to tread. Hairs wisely standing on the back of the neck go unheeded.
Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (47)FREEBattle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (48)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (49)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (50)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (51)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (52)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (53)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (54)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (55)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (56)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (57)

Zingaran Soldier's BedrollSalvaged StarMetal Shell x3Zingaran Emblem BannerCrom Coins x120Zingaran Round CarpetZingaran CampCurved Wall
Rank 25Rank 26Rank 27Rank 28Rank 29Rank 30

Battle Pass Reward 31 - 36[]

Battle Pass Reward 31 - 36
Such sights! Primordial pictographs on the wall. An altar bedight insacrificial gore. A strange symbol that sets one’s incisors to itching.
Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (58)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (59)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (60)FREEBattle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (61)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (62)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (63)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (64)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (65)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (66)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (67)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (68)

Emblem Icon
Zingaran Mercenary
Rapier Fleurish
Crom Coins x120Remembrance TapestryZingaran MercenaryCampfireZingaran MercenaryCamp Table
Rank 31Rank 32Rank 33Rank 34Rank 35Rank 36

Battle Pass Reward 37 - 42[]

Battle Pass Reward 37 - 42
The mere touch of a blood-stained hand is all it takes to awaken the hungry altar, to quicken a god who loped when the earth was young.
FREEBattle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (69)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (70)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (71)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (72)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (73)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (74)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (75)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (76)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (77)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (78)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (79)

Token of RemembranceZingaran MercenarySpearCrom Coins x120Zingaran MercenaryCaptain's TentWall PaintMercenary CampWoodcutting Block
Rank 37Rank 38Rank 39Rank 40Rank 41Rank 42

Battle Pass Reward 43 - 48[]

Battle Pass Reward 43 - 48
Mankind fancies itself as removed from the food chain. Sometimes, our delusions are shattered, and all the world is teeth, teeth, teeth!
FREEBattle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (80)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (81)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (82)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (83)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (84)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (85)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (86)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (87)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (88)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (89)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (90)

Burning Siege Boulder x3Zingaran Captain'sCommand TableZingaran CampInverted Curved WallCrom Coins x120Emote
Zingaran CampGate Frame
Rank 43Rank 44Rank 45Rank 46Rank 47Rank 48

Battle Pass Reward 49 - 54[]

Battle Pass Reward 49 - 54
“Our flesh is not for feasting!” we cry defiantly into the dark, as though we are made of sacred stuff, as though we are not mere meat.
Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (91)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (92)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (93)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (94)FREEBattle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (95)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (96)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (97)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (98)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (99)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (100)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (101)

Zingaran Guard DogFloor PaintCompass RoseZingaran HangingEmblem BannerCrom Coins x120Remembrance TapestryZingaran MercenaryWar Axe
Rank 49Rank 50Rank 51Rank 52Rank 53Rank 54

Battle Pass Reward 55 - 60[]

Battle Pass Reward 55 - 60
His scripture is written, raggedy and red! Jhebbal Sag! Glory be the hunt! May the reek of human gore smile back at you.
Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (102)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (103)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (104)Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (105)FREEBattle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (106)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (107)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (108)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (109)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (110)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (111)

Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (112)

Zingaran MercenaryCamp Bench[[Emblem Background
Zingaran Mercenary
Zingaran Camp Gate DoorCrom Coins x120Token of RemembranceZingaran MercenaryCaptain Armor
Rank 55Rank 56Rank 57Rank 58Rank 59Rank 60


There are 10 pages of 6 challenges each, up to a total of 60, to complete the Battle Pass. After completing the different challenges on a page, you can read the following notes:

See now the treasures of the Stygian keep, ripe for the taking by the conquering Exiles. Victory is good. Wealth is good. And yet...
While defeat can mean death for the conquered, victory brings its own strange dangers, when one is blood-drunk and loot-hungry.
A lone Exile stares down a dark passage uncovered by the carnage, the way one might look into the mouth of a lion for an extra scrap of meat.
Unnoticed by his fellows, the Exile explores the mysterious cavern, impossibly older than the keep that sits atop it.
Curiosity compels the hapless to delve into places demons fear to tread. Hairs wisely standing on the back of the neck go unheeded.
Such sights! Primordial pictographs on the wall. An altar bedight insacrificial gore. A strange symbol that sets one’s incisors to itching.
The mere touch of a blood-stained hand is all it takes to awaken the hungry altar, to quicken a god who loped when the earth was young.
Mankind fancies itself as removed from the food chain. Sometimes, our delusions are shattered, and all the world is teeth, teeth, teeth!
"Our flesh is not for feasting!” we cry defiantly into the dark, as though we are made of sacred stuff, as though we are not mere meat.
His scripture is written, raggedy and red! Jhebbal Sag! Glory be the hunt! May the reek of human gore smile back at you.



    Conan Exiles - Age of War Chapter 4 Trailer

    'Battle Pass Preview - Age of War Chapter 4

    See also[]

    Battle Pass
    Battle Pass: Age of Sorcery
    Battle Pass: Age of Sorcery - Chapter 1
    Battle Pass: Age of Sorcery - Chapter 2
    Battle Pass: Age of Sorcery - Chapter 3
    Battle Pass: Age of War
    Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 1
    Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 2
    Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 3


    Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted.

    Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4 (2024)


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    Author: Otha Schamberger

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    Name: Otha Schamberger

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