All About Feijoas - growing, harvesting + recipes - Milkwood (2024)

Hooray, it’s feijoa season! Perfumed green fruits like no other, and the final harvest of our autumn. Here’s a few tips for growing, harvesting and eating them, including our favourite recipes.

The feijoa is a smallish, evergreen tree that hails from Brazil. It produces stacks of beautiful (and tasty) pink flowers in spring, which are followed by pendulous, egg-sized green fruit in late autumn – which drop to the ground when ripe. And they are dee-licious. If you can get your hands on some, we highly recommend doing so.

When feijoa trees crop, they do it properly. The fruit will be literally everywhere, dropping underneath the tree and rolling off under nearby shrubs. Which is why having a few recipes and methods for preserving them up your sleeve is a fine idea, if you have a feijoa tree about.

No space to grow? No problem. Learn to recognise the leaf, fruit and flower shapes of feijoas, and keep your eyes out for likely trees as you walk around your neighbourhood. We have found feijoas in every city and town we’ve lived in, many of them big old things in frontyards with no-one picking up the fruit (until we came along). So learn your leaf shapes, that the food may find you.

The feijoa is a hardy customer which has spread all over the world from its native Brazil, due to its attractiveness as a hedge tree, and also for its flowers and fruit. Feijoas will grow in sub-tropical to cool temperate climates, though for the fruit to set properly, a minimum of 50 chill hours is considered necessary for most cultivars.

Like many other kinds of fruit trees, feijoas can be grown from seed, but don’t grow true to type. So if it’s fruit you’re after, consider buying a named variety (there are quite a few), or get some cuttings from an established tree that’s fruiting well and propagate those.

Feijoas are a fairly easygoing customer when it comes to tree care – they like regular water and nutrients, but don’t need special attention. They will also tolerate a range of soil types, and should begin to fruit somewhere between 2-6 years of age (it depends on the cultivar apparently, and good care and attention will obviously help).

Pollination of feijoas can be tricky. Some cultivars are self-pollinating, and some are not-so-much, so need another tree to pollinate them. If you have a few feijoa trees which are not really fruiting (or not fruiting at all) buying another named variety from a nursery is considered a good strategy. Pruning to open up the canopy and to allow for more pollinators is also recommended.

In some places, bees are considered the primary pollinators of feijoas. However, where we live, the wattlebirds (and other small birds) have figured out how tasty the petals of the flowers are, so they’re forever eating them, getting feijoa pollen all over the tops of their heads, and then moving on to the next flower, inadvertently pollinating it in the process.

That title was just an excuse to say the word Fedge an extra time. But fedges are actually brilliant. A fedge, of course, is a Feijoa Hedge (or any type of fruit hedge). And a fedge is something that you should definitely plant, if you have space in your garden.

Planting a fedge is a great idea for a couple of reasons. Firstly, feijoa trees make a great windbreak when planted in this way, and are perfect for sheltering a veggie patch, chookyard, or playspace. Shelter with bonus fruit snacks!

Secondly, feijoas are fire-retardant. Which is a very good reason to grow a row of them near your house, and near anything else that needs protecting, especially on the side of prevailing summer winds or your fire sector (permaculture design can help you figure this out).

Thirdly, a fedge allows for great pollination, and helps centralise the ground area that you will creep across on a daily basis come feijoa harvest season, slowly attempting to fill your basket with green fruit which gets eaten as quickly as you can pick it up, if you have enough kids around.

This was one of the biggest discoveries of last spring, for me. Feijoa flower petals taste like sherbert! Yum. I think it was Hannah who clued me into this delightful secret. And now, no feijoa is safe from my family in spring. They taste a bit marshmallow-y too. Yum.

Of course, if you want feijoa fruits aplenty (and you do) – go easy on the petal predation. But a few plucked here and there – eaten straight up, or used to dress desserts, or to flavour water kefir – are a delightful addition to homegrown, early spring flavours at our place.

If you do know a feijoa tree that’s fruiting well, you’ll know that when feijoas fruit, they really, really fruit. You will have many. More than many.

Conveniently, feijoas fruit right at the end of our fruit season here in Victoria – in late autumn, from April until June. This is a time when the apples and pears are nearly done, we’ve eaten our fill of chestnuts, and we’ve thankfully just recovered from the end of tomato season. So we’re up for a bit more preserving (but only for you, feijoas) before autumn ends.

But how to tell when are they ripe? They’re so hardish and greenish…

Feijoas fall off the tree when ripe (generally speaking) so the easiest way to tell if they’re ripe is if they’re on the ground. They will also smell AMAZING when ripe – we’re talking pungent aromatic guava/pineapple/feijoa vibes. Apparently that smell is actually methyl benzoate, but whatever you call it, it’s good. And signifies that your feijoas are ready for the eating.

Feijoas will also be a little soft when ripe – not squishy, just a bit of give when you squeeze them. If they’re still rock hard, put the feijoas together in a bowl on your table for a day or two. You’ll get high from their lucious smell and before you know it they will be slightly squeezy. Proceed.

Feijoas can be eaten straight up, but the flavour of the skin is too strong for some. Other popular ways to get at them is to slice in half crosswise and then scoop out the flesh with a teaspoon, or slice into quarters and eat in segments.

The inside of a feijoa consists of slightly grainy flesh harbouring a goopy interior which contains the small seeds. Eat the whole thing, or the whole thing minus the skin if you prefer.

Strangely (and we’ve tested this extensively, if inadvertently) feijoas seem to be one of the few fruits which can be eaten until you are truly sick of them – without stomach ache or a scurrying off to the toilet. Good information to know, should you find yourself eating a bowlful of them with friends.

Feijoas won’t keep terribly long – 7 days at most – so are best eaten or preserved as you harvest them. They also make excellent barter with feijoa-starved folks nearby.

If you have too many feijoas, there’s lots of things you can do with them. Here are the two core things you need to know:

Firstly, do not dehydrate your feijoas in slices. Just don’t. Unless small, extremely hard, brown, grainy disks that no-one wants to eat are your thing.

Secondly (and it’s difficult not to shout this revelation) you DON’T need to peel feijoas if you are stewing or jamming them. Really, you don’t. Even if you prefer not to eat the skins when eating feijoas fresh, leaving the skins on for preserving is fine. More than fine, even – the skins add aroma and a robust taste that would otherwise diminish by cooking. This one tip can give you back literally hours of your life, if not days, by not having to scoop or skin all your feijoas before you proceed to preserve them. Hooray.

So. to the recipes.


Most often, we preserve the feijoa harvest by stewing, then bottling. We slice them in quarters (taking off the flower end) and add to a big pot with a good splash of water, then heat slowly until they are lightly stewed. At this point we add sugar to taste (maybe 1 cup to 10 litres of stewed fruit? It varies with the season, and taste), stir it in, and then decant while hot into clean bottles with good metal lids, that we then waterbath for 30 minutes at 85ºc. We then use them year-round in cakes, on porridge, with yogurt, with pudding, with other cakes, or whenever feijoas are called for.


The start of the feijoa harvest often lines up with the last of the figs here at Melliodora, so we make feijoa, fig and ginger jam. We’re more the ‘stick it all in a pot on the stove and stir slowly when we think it’s ready or we’re ready for bed, add sugar and then bottle it’ type jam makers, which I realise may not be very helpful if you are a beginner. Here is a good recipe to start off with.

Also, New Zealanders love their feijoas so here is a cache of feijoa jam and chutney recipes. Just disregard the instructions to peel them, if you wish to maintain your sanity. Also, leaving the skins on makes the resulting jam green, not brown. Green jam! Awesome.


  • Feijoas are perfect for flavouring water kefir
  • You can also follow a basic wild fermented fruit soda recipe with feijoas (do it!)
  • Wild fermented country wine – follow our recipe
  • Here’s a non-wild (but still looks good)Feijoa wine recipe

Drunken feijoas

Fruit liqueur, meet feijoas. We’re going to be good friends:

Fill a jar with quartered feijoas, and pour over enough 40% vodka to cover feijoas and fill jar. Label with the date and put under the stairs (or similar out of the way place). Come back in 2 months, and taste. At this point, we drain off the feijoa-flavoured vodka into a seperate bottle and add sugar or honey to taste, then label, store and sip with friends as required (it’s amazing with mineral water and a squeeze of lemon).

The drunken feijoas at this point get put back in their jar, mashed up, and then more vodka is poured over. In two months this mix is sieved and the vodka sweetened to taste.

And then there’s

Whew! What do you do with your feijoas? Any killer recipes or techniques that we should know about? We’d love to hear about them (we have a whole month left in feijoa-ville here, at time of writing)… thanks in advance!

From the store

Easy Peasy: Gardening for Kids (signed copy)
Milkwood – Real Skills for Down to Earth Living (signed copy)
The Permaculture Living Handbook
All About Feijoas - growing, harvesting + recipes - Milkwood (2024)


How do you harvest feijoas? ›

Harvest tips

The fruit will fall from the tree when completely ripe, and can be picked up off the ground, though don't leave them too long. For best results, 'touch pick' from the tree which means cupping the fruit with your hand, and pull very gently. If the fruit comes away from the stem easily, it's ready.

What is the best fertilizer for feijoas? ›

Feijoas like lots of food. Feed with high nitrogen NPK fertiliser in late winter and well rotted animal manure in autumn, and make sure you provide good drainage for them. If you want a higher yield, plant a few more in the same location and plant two of the same variety.

What does a ripe feijoa look like? ›

Ripe fruit are slightly soft to the touch and the jellied section of a freshly-cut feijoa is clear. Under-ripe fruit will reveal a half white/ half clear jellied section and over-ripe fruit will have a greyish or brown centre.

What are the best conditions for feijoas? ›

For best quality fruiting they require up to 50 chill hours. They prefer cool winters and moderate summers. Temperature can affect the taste of the fruit. Plant feijoas in a sunny, well-drained spot and give them plenty of compost to get started.

How many feijoas should you eat a day? ›

Including just two feijoas in your diet through the Autumn months provides 64 per cent of your recommended daily intake of vitamin C, which has an important role in increasing immunity.

Can you eat too many feijoas? ›

“We eat masses of them and we don't get sick of them…But if you have too many you'll be on the toilet a lot because of the fibre,” she warns Australians, unfamiliar with the fruit. “Having only a few won't do anything: it's only if you eat 10 kilos [at once].” shows that feijoas are a rich source of vitamin C.

What is the best mulch for feijoas? ›

Keep the soil moist as the plant establishes. Applying an organic mulch, such as sugarcane or bark chips, around the root zone will help keep the soil and roots moist. Mulch also helps protect the Feijoa's shallow root system.

Should you prune feijoa trees? ›

Feijoa fruit trees respond well to pruning, but timing is crucial. Feijoa's fruit at the end of the season's growth, so pruning should be avoided until spring is well and truly on its way out. This could be as late as early April or even May depending on the variety you've planted and your exact location.

What is feijoa fruit good for? ›

Popular in New Zealand, this superfood has powerful health benefits, including weight loss, blood pressure reduction, improved digestion, circulation and cognitive function. It is also one of the most alkaline foods, making it useful for maintaining the pH balance in the body.

What do Americans call feijoas? ›

feijoa in American English

1. a shrub, Feijoa sellowiana, of the myrtle family, native to South America, bearing edible, greenish, plumlike fruit. 2. the fruit of this shrub. Also called: pineapple guava.

Is feijoa fruit a laxative? ›

The Feijoa fruit is made up of a considerable amount of fiber. Fiber stimulates peristaltic motion and increased secretion of gastric juices, which eases digestion, prevents conditions like constipation, and protects the body from more serious conditions like colorectal cancer.

Can you eat feijoa raw? ›

Feijoa fruit is mainly eaten fresh. Cut it in half and scoop out the flesh with a spoon, like eating a kiwifruit.

Can feijoas be frozen raw? ›

Feijoas freeze brilliantly, either whole or peeled and sliced (if going down this route, freeze the fruit on trays in a single layer before shifting into a freezer bag or other container so it doesn't all stick together in a giant frozen lump).

Do feijoas continue to ripen after picking? ›

Feijoas will ripen a little once picked but are best left on the tree to ripen naturally. The fruit will fall from the tree when completely ripe, and can be picked up off the ground, though don't leave them too long.

Why are my feijoas sour? ›

It could be that the variety you are growing is not such a sweet one. You can also try giving your tree a dose of potash using the Tui Fruit and Flower Sulphate of Potash which can be applied around the dripline of the tree or mixed in a watering can and applied.

Can you eat feijoa fruit raw? ›

Feijoa fruit is mainly eaten fresh. Cut it in half and scoop out the flesh with a spoon, like eating a kiwifruit.

How do you know when to eat feijoa? ›

"If it is still firm it needs time to ripen," Thanh says. "If it is giving, it means the inside is translucent, starting to go like jelly, this is the optimal moment of eating." Once you have got your feijoas, Thanh recommends storing them loose in the fridge.

When should I eat feijoa fruit? ›

Tip: Ripen feijoas at room temperature, then store the ripe fruit in the fridge for one week or in the freezer for a few months. To tell if a feijoa is ripe, feel it: the fruit is ready to eat when it is firm with just a bit of give (not mushy) – like a ripe banana, mango, or pear.

Do you eat skin of feijoa? ›

Feijoas have a light to dark green skin. The skin is edible, however some people think the skin and flavour can be quite bitter to some palettes. In the centre of the fruit there is a very sweet jelly centre with seeds so small and soft you can hardly notice them.


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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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