A Catered St. Patrick's Day (A Mystery with Recipes, #8… (2024)


Author16 books323 followers

March 5, 2021

When cafe owners Bernie and Libby Simpson and their ex-cop father seek to clear a friend's nephew of murder, their situation becomes deadly.

An intriguing cozy mystery with likable characters, clever dialogue and a captivating storyline. Plus lots of twists I didn't see coming.


2,651 reviews81 followers

March 17, 2019

I enjoyed reading this mystery featuring an ex-police chief father and his two daughters as a sleuthing team. I really want to start this series from the beginning to fill in a few recurring character holes and to find out what exactly happened to Sean to make him unable to drive. Out of context, I got the general idea, but it's always good to read from the beginning. I wanted to read this for one of my challenges and thought it was cool to actually finish on St. Patrick's Day.

I had read one of the later books in the series, but somehow I think I liked this one better. I really love the banter between Bernie and Libby when they're questioning a suspect on behalf of a client. The book was very dialogue-drive, but some of it was really funny! There was no shortage of suspects here, and I didn't guess who the killer was until the clues started falling in place, basically I knew because Bernie and Libby had figured it out.

    2019-spring-challenge mar-2019-ereader-challenge


1,973 reviews44 followers

March 22, 2019

Another good adventure with Libby and Bernie. This one kept me guessing and the ending was really good and exciting.


Nancy Narma

155 reviews5 followers

February 13, 2012

“Green Beer and Lots of Intrigue”

This is the first of Ms. Crawford’s books I have read and it is also my introduction to the sleuthing world of Libby and Bernie Simmons. As St. Patrick’s Day approaches, Bernie and Libby are busy as bees in their shop, “A Little Taste Of Heaven”, when Bernie receives a distress call from her bartender-boyfriend; Brandon, asking them to meet him at R.J.”s, the local tavern in which he works. He had had problems with the unruly members of the “Corned Beef and Cabbage Drinking Club” the previous night, but nothing had prepared him for what he discovered when he opened the establishment the following morning. Big, burly ”Corned Beef and Cabbage “ member, Mike Sweeney is found head first and dead in a keg of green beer!! Was it an accident? Has Mike been murdered ? Who would and/or could do such a thing and why? In no time at all, another C.B. & C. member, Duncan Nottingham, is accused and under house arrest for the crime. His wealthy Aunt, Bree Nottingham, checkbook in hand, hires Bernie, Libby and their retired Police Chief Father, Sean, to investigate Sweeney’s demise and prove Duncan’s innocence. But is he?? Duncan was loathed by many as an associate of Sweeney’s with his unscrupulous dealings plus he was made into a laughing stock by some he thought were friends. When , as a cruel twist to the already confusing case, Duncan’s “Girlfriend”, Liza Sopranto, is missing—the evidence gets more damning. What part did C.B.& C. members, Connor, Patrick and Liam have to play in all of this?? They are husky enough to have done the deed. Or did Libby’s ex-flame, Orion have a hand in the crime? You’ll have sympathy for quiet, love-struck mortician, Marvin and think you have the mystery figured out more than once, only to be whisked down another dark avenue.
Ms. Crawford has even included a couple “Irish in Spirit” recipes for her readers to sample. You’ll enjoy this easy read and even though this is my first “who-dun-it” with the clever Simmons Sisters, I assure you, it will not be my last.
Nancy Narma


203 reviews9 followers

September 9, 2022

I'm happy to say that last book was but a flub, A Catered St. Patrick's Day is the usual goodness you'd expect from Isis Crawford at her best.

Once again Bree pulls the strings and forces the girls into investigating a new murder for her nephew's sake, God I dislike her so much lmao. Truly the worst, knock-off Mean Girls' character we've had to deal with so far.
But her fashion taste is lit.

Back to an unexpected killer, an interesting research process, and heartwarming family moments along the way.
This was another book to pamper myself with.



3,141 reviews41 followers

December 30, 2018

This was another good read in the series. I liked how in this one we got more time with the dad and Marvin. Plus it was nice that they were spending more time with each other. The only disappointing part was that they spent less time cooking/baking. However, it was because they were hired to solve the murder. Which was nice since normally they just do it on their own for free.


1,907 reviews

December 4, 2018

Obviously, this one takes place around St. Patrick's Day. I still like the characters, especially Marivn. He's sweet. The mystery was intriguing, and the story took some interesting turns. Also, the food, mostly desserts, sounded delicious.


282 reviews

December 17, 2012

The Simmons sisters, Libby and Bernie, are hired by one of their catering clients to clear her nephew, Duncan, of a crime he claims he didn't commit. Suspects keep disappearing, and Duncan looks guiltier as time goes by. The Simmons sisters' father, ex-cop Sean, played a prominent role in this story. I was so excited to read this book because it is about one of my favorite holidays. However, I had this book checked out for about nine weeks. I thought I would NEVER finish it, so I finally forced myself to finish it today, because I have other books in my to-be-read pile that are due back to the library soon. This will likely be the last book I read in this series. I don’t like to give reviews that aren’t positive, but I have to be honest: this series is just not a good mesh for me. I gave it a chance, but the only character that seemed to experience positive growth was Bernie. This particular installment was not very compelling, and there were too many characters for my reading comfort. Sean is becoming less sympathetic as a character; he seems to simply bulldoze everyone to get his way. As for Libby’s boyfriend Marvin, he is presented as such a weak person that I don’t find him attractive by any stretch of the imagination. And, mostly, over the course of the series, I've come to really dislike Libby. I would not buy food from someone who doesn’t take any pride in her appearance when she could clearly afford to, because I would be afraid she would take the same attitude toward the quality of ingredients she used in her food. And, her constantly popping chocolate in her mouth while rarely offering any to others is just plain tacky. I've also never liked the way she treated her sister Bernie (which is a pet peeve of mine). When I find myself hoping a main character meets an untimely end, it's time for me to move on. If it were just Bernie and Brandon, I might continue on, but, alas, it is not.


Ed Clancy

2 reviews

March 20, 2012

This book was very disappointing. I have to preface this review by saying that I could not even finish it even though I was 75% through it. I kept reading saying to myself that maybe the main characters would prove to be interesting after all, maybe the plot will thicken and provide some relief, but unless in the last few chapters all is turned on its head this book is a complete bore. Also, it doesn't even involve St. Patrick's day other than the murdered man is downed in a keg of green beer for St. Patrick's Day. Even the three recipes at the end are questionable in both number and interest.


1,500 reviews9 followers

June 10, 2013

I got off on the wrong foot. I admit I was drawn to this book by the title (I love all things Celtic) and the cover (green cupcakes!). However, I found it hard to find any interest in the characters until 3/4 of the way through the book. It is the 8th in Isis Crawford's series and I feel sure she assumes her readers have read the prior books and know the background of the main characters. Generally when I read a mystery starting in the middle of the series I expect an early review of the background so I can get right into the story. I'm not sure I will read any others of Miss Crawford's books unless I can start at the beginning and can download them from the library.

    library-books on-kindle


340 reviews

June 5, 2017

It started ok but for some reason I got bored and annoyed by some of the discussions. There wasn't much cooking either. Characters where quite narky with each other even the sister sleuths. I have read better.


Anne Gardepe

146 reviews1 follower

March 14, 2023

"...But I do believe that hypocrisy and/or willful blindness are wonderful tools when used correctly. In fact, I can honestly say that if more people engaged in those practices, life would be a great deal smoother." -Sean Simmons, from the novel

This quote is one I don't buy into, if I understand it correctly. The character it is spoken to didn't agree either. This novel is pretty short on profound ideas and memorable quotes.
The book was a gift a few years ago. With St. Pat's Day approaching I decided to pull it off the shelf and give it a try. At first, I thought of it as "fluff" and didn't know if I wanted to continue. After several chapters I became more interested and needed to see how it would end.
An assumed murder at the beginning of this mystery was pretty far-fetched---a guy is drowned in a barrel of green beer outside a pub. It turns out he has lost a lot of people's money in a very bad investment so there are many suspects.
The Simmons family runs a cafe called A Little Taste of Heaven but they do some sleuthing on the side. An influential acquaintance hires Sean, a former investigator, and daughters Bernie and Libby, to find the killer when her nephew is arrested for the "beer barrel" murder.
Though not a literary masterpiece by any stretch, the novel was entertaining enough. The sisters are catty at times and share some sisterly jibes which adds some humor to an already pretty silly premise. I am rating this one a 2.5.

Jennifer Robb

1,990 reviews6 followers

July 11, 2021

I found this book at a library book sale where I put as many cozy mysteries as I could find into my $2.00 bag. I was intrigued by the idea of a St. Patrick's day mystery. It wasn't until later that I realized I'd already read a title in this series before (the Thanksgiving one I think).

I really didn't care for or about the characters. The interactions between Bernie and Libby get on my nerves--and I really have a hard time believing they have a thriving business with as often as Bernie pulls Libby (and herself) away from it and that they don't have a reliable helper in the kitchen.

The mystery really didn't have much to do with St. Patrick's Day other than happening around that time and the first murder being one involving green beer. That was a bit disappointing after looking forward to a St. Patrick's Day mystery.

There are 3 recipes included in the copy I read--unfortunately, they seem to be chosen at random and were not featured (or even mentioned that I remember) in the story itself. In most of the other cozies that include recipes, the recipes included figure into the story in some way.

February 23, 2024

The book "A Catered St. Patrick's Day" by Isis Crawford is part of the "Mystery with Recipes" series, featuring sisters Bernie and Libby Simmons who run a catering business in Longely, New York. In this installment, the sisters find themselves embroiled in a murder mystery during the St. Patrick's Day festivities. As they investigate, they uncover secrets and motives, all while navigating the culinary world.

Given the holiday theme, it's likely that the book incorporates elements of Irish culture and traditions, making it an enjoyable read for fans of cozy mysteries and St. Patrick's Day enthusiasts alike. And for those who love both cozy mysteries and cats, why not head over to Wandercove shop for some delightful gifts for cat lovers? Their selection of cat-themed products is sure to charm any feline aficionado.

Sandra Hernandez

629 reviews4 followers

January 13, 2020

I finished this book in the middle of the night. I enjoy the progress Sean is making and to see each book and him going from wheelchair to now walking and trying to drive without his daughters approval is amazing. I love his character though I wonder how he was like as a cop.
I have to say Bernie and Libby have a great relationship and bond and I felt bad for Brandon this time around because Bernie would get stubborn and argue just to be right so their was a few moments she irritated me.
This time a round a man dies and they are hired by a rich lady to clear her nephew who is being charged. It’s interesting to see so much dead ends until Sean was the one who really solved it.

Olivia Eaton

37 reviews2 followers

March 13, 2020

I have to say, this was not my favorite read. I can't really point to why but I can say this. Normally, when im reading to myself, I "hear" the characters' voices in my head. Each character should have a distinct voice. Every character in this book was read in my own voice. And not in the I-see-myself-in-this-book kind of way. It just seemed so flat. But I read it anyway because I wanted to read something St. Patrick's Day themed. And even that's stretching it for this book. The murder takes place on the day. So you spend about 1 chapter on St. Patrick's Day. And the rest of the book, it doesn't matter. Not quite my definition of themed but others may differ.


903 reviews2 followers

March 24, 2019

When a member of the Corn Beef and Cabbage Society is found dead in a keg of green beer the bartender Brandon calls Libbie and Bernie as witness to his boss's plan. When the police arrest Duncan, his aunt Bree hires Libbie and Bernie along with their ex cop father to investigate and find the real murderer. A Catered St Patrick's Day has them getting nowhere at first and uncovering the truth. Isis Crawford wrote this easy to read mystery.


350 reviews7 followers

March 4, 2022

First of all, please don’t think I’m a nut for rating a cozy mystery 5 stars. Let me explain. I am a purveyor of cozy mysteries. I expect them to be dull and slow with a piece of charm. I realize this is book 8, but it was the first for me. The plot was fast moving and advanced with every chapter. It felt more like binging a Netflix series. Coupled with the charm of the cafe and bakery I found this enjoyable and a one sit easy and satisfying read.

Margaret Klein

Author4 books18 followers

March 31, 2023

My second one in this series...which I don't read in order but rather for each holiday in turn. This one was perfect because I was hosting a catered St. Patrick's Day fundraiser. Luckily no murder at my place. Complicated plot twists in the book kept me guessing until the end. I did figure it out--but not until the last 10 pages. I had a hard time keeping some of the characters's name straight. But for pure escapism, this is a good choice.


Lindsay Pate

123 reviews2 followers

March 24, 2018

This book was an entertaining, cozy mystery with just the right amount of suspense to keep me guessing who was the actual murderer. I enjoyed the dynamic among Bernie, Libby, and Sean and, while there were depictions of murders, it wasn't over-the-top gruesome. Overall, it was a pleasant reading experience.

    book-club mystery

Denise Spicer

Author14 books70 followers

March 28, 2018

This 2012 caper follows the Simmons sisters, Bernie and Libby and their dad, Sean, as they investigate a bizarre murder. Much detested swindler Mike Sweeney has been drowned in a keg of green beer. Lots of suspects give the sleuths plenty to investigate in this somewhat contrived plot. Includes 3 recipes.


270 reviews24 followers

April 24, 2018

I am sorry to be giving 3 stars. I feel bad each time I do it, but I want to be honest.
Plot was fine if a bit dragging along, it is the impression of "fakeness" that got me there... The dialogues just did not seem real, and a bit repetitive.
The "whodunit" part I have nothing but good things to say about, just the way it flew...


367 reviews

March 27, 2019

Cute little cozy mystery. Kind of corny, funny, pretty good mysteriousness, fun family dynamics. The average little mystery of its type. If you like cozy mysteries you'll probably like this. This is the first one of this series I've read, as you can see it's #8. I found it on Book Bub I believe, so it was cheap. I will read more of them....eventually. And, the recipes look pretty good!



259 reviews3 followers

March 20, 2021

The cover and title of this book are very misleading. The book starts out on the day BEFORE St. Patrick's Day, that's the day of the murder. Then. by the end of ch 2, she's skipped all the way to a week after. No part of the book even happened ON St. Patrick's Day! Marvin and Libby annoy me greatly.

    cozy st-patrick-s-day

Mary Ellen

604 reviews3 followers

April 21, 2023

This newest one was quite over the top. Mr. Simmons is actually very involved and in danger at a few points. The only reason I gave it 4 stars was bc they question too many people and it starts to get off track imo. Also, Bernie and Brandon are almost killed. The wow factor is definitely present here.

Kathi Rutherford

132 reviews

April 14, 2019

Family of detectives so!he's case

This was disappointing,as I thought it was set in Ireland,not a superb of NYC.It is very detailed and slow for me.The sisters run a bakery and help their ex-cop dad so!be crimes.


437 reviews1 follower

January 20, 2023

I thought this book would be a fun mystery. However, I was disappointed. The title was cute, but my enjoyment stopped there. Evidently people disagree with me because there is an entire mystery of the Catered Books. I was happy to finish it and won't read any of the others.

Nancy Hemati

21 reviews

March 2, 2017

Don't bother.


65 reviews

September 18, 2017

Nice to find a new mystery series to read

A Catered St. Patrick's Day (A Mystery with Recipes, #8… (2024)


What is St Patrick known for besides being the namesake for a celebration on March 17th? ›

St. Patrick (flourished 5th century, Britain and Ireland; feast day March 17) was the patron saint and national apostle of Ireland. He is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland and was probably responsible in part for the Christianization of the Picts and Anglo-Saxons.

Was St. Patrick not Irish? ›

Patrick wasn't Irish.

He was British! According to Melia, Patrick was born a minor nobleman in what is now England, or perhaps Wales or Scotland, which at the time was part of the Roman Empire. His father was likely a member of the curiales, who were responsible for imperial tax collection.

What was his originally name St. Patrick's day? ›

His real name was not Patrick

St. Patrick's original name was Maewyn Succat and he was born to Christian parents in Roman Britain. His father was a deacon and his grandfather, a priest.

What was St. Patrick known for? ›

St. Patrick is one of the most famous patron saints of Ireland: According to the legend, he brought Christianity to the island, made the shamrock fashionable and freed Ireland from snakes. The holiday marks St. Patrick's death and has been observed as a religious holiday in Ireland for over 1500 years.

What was Saint Patrick's day known for? ›

Patrick's Day observes of the death of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. The holiday has evolved into a celebration of Irish culture with parades, special foods, music, dancing, drinking and a whole lot of green.

What did St Patrick do on March 17? ›

Tradition holds that he died on 17 March and was buried at Downpatrick. Over the following centuries, many legends grew up around Patrick and he became Ireland's foremost saint.

What is St. Patrick's day celebrated for? ›

Patrick's Day is the feast day of St. Patrick, a patron saint of Ireland. Originally celebrated with religious feasts and services, St. Patrick's Day became a secular celebration of Irish culture when it reached the United States alongside Irish immigrants.


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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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